Hurricane Hilary Dumps Trash, Rats, and Muck into Ocean (Video)

An historic weather event went down in Southern California over the weekend.

A tropical storm, Hilary, hit the region for the first time in almost a century, dumping record-breaking amounts of rain, and bringing waves to certain, select regions.

But, as always is the case with heavy rain, there was lots and lots of runoff; see below.

Captioning the video, Shacked Mag, wrote:

“The Pico- Kenter storm drain on the Santa Monica Beach over-flows with garbage, rats, sludge, etc...onto beach and into the ocean. This was just a few hours after the rain started on Sunday from Tropical Storm Hilary.”

Rats!? Yep.

Due to the heavy rainfall and stormy conditions, some beaches were closed.

In a statement from the governor, issued on Saturday, it was reported:

“The state is actively monitoring the storm’s impacts on state parks and making real-time decisions on closures as needed. Currently, California has closed 10 parks and has 600 staff on the ground to respond.

“The state is closing Silver Strand State Beach and Borderfields State Beach today and Orange Coast District and San Diego District beaches on Sunday and Monday, as well as increasing lifeguard services. The public is advised to stay out of the ocean during the storm. Additionally, state parks have proactively canceled reservations at campgrounds in high-risk areas.”

However, although spotty, certain surf spots did light up for the hurricane swell – specifically Newport Beach in Orange County.

Surfline reported:

“Like many hurricane swells, it was on and off in Orange County today for Hilary. Cleary, here are two “on” moments from this afternoon, featuring @bobbyokvist and @instagrom at home.”

No word on the water quality, or any staph infections, however.


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