Huntington Beach (Surf City, USA) Bans Pride Flags

Despite not having the best waves in the world, Huntington Beach, California has earned the moniker, Surf City, USA. (Santa Cruz also claims the title, but that’s another story.)

And although it’s known worldwide for its mostly-mediocre waves, HB has also become a bastion for anti-vaxxers, aggressive right-wing politics, and the occasional riot.

Just stroll down the pier on any given day, and you’ll find plenty of folks holding signs claiming conspiracy theories, hostile political messages, and the like.

And now, HB has found itself at the center of another culture war, involving the pride (or rainbow or LGBTQ) flag.

On March 5th, Huntington Beach passed a measure that only allows certain flags to fly on city property. The ballot title reads as such:

“Shall proposed Charter Amendment No. 2, which provides that only flags be displayed by the City on City property are the United States Flag, the State of California Flag, the County of Orange Flag, the City of Huntington Beach Flag, the POW-MIA Flag, the six Armed Forces Flags, the Olympic Flag during the Summer Olympic Games, and any other flag if authorized by a unanimous vote of the City Council be approved?”

Related: 30-Foot Dead Whale Washes Ashore in Huntington Beach Amid Historic Storms (Video)

Opposing the measure, Kelly Jones, spokesperson for Sen. Dave Min, said:

“At a time when hate and discrimination against the LGBT community and other marginalized groups is at alarming levels, it is more important than ever that our elected officials make clear that all are welcomed and cherished."

But voters approved it; 57.26% yes, 42.74% no.


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