Hungry Mini Cows Getting Bottle Fed by Their Human Parents Are Just Too Sweet

These gals are ready for their dinner!

TikTok has been swooning over Poppy and Petunia, two sassy miniature cows whose personalities are way bigger than their bodies. They may only be the size of large dogs, but the gals know how to get what they want--especially from their mama, @katievanslyke.

In the gals' recent popular video, Katie and her husband document what it's like to feed the mini cows their dinners. Aside from the girls' hangry sass--it looks like so much fun. Even with their goat friend, Bella, all up in their business, Poppy and Petunia were ready to chow down!

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We've never seen anyone eat with as much gusto as these cows have! Either that formula mixture tastes delicious, or the girls were incredibly hungry.

Commenter @redheadsouthernmess asked, "would that be formoola?" Well, now it is! That's definitely what we're calling any formula for cows from here on out-- because a little wordplay goes a long way. Of course, the cows' hilarious reactions to being fed were just as good. Did you see the sass on these girls?

@Amberangel112 said, "Poppy and petunia would like to speak to your manager about how late dinner is." LOL--they probably would! Not that either of these babies seems like Karens, of course. They're just hungry, growing gals!

"Petunia was giving you all sorts of attitude in the look," wrote @jaxontarl. She really was! Hopefully, that delicious dinner took the edge off of her sass. Now to worry about Poppy and her headbutting!

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