Huh? Here's What 'CVS' Actually Stands For

Places like CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid are great drugstores and pretty easy pharmacies to choose from because of their proximity to neighborhoods. Maybe you’ll grab a little snack when you go in for medicine or supplements, or potentially browse the drugstore makeup after you go to pick up bandaids. So, it's no surprise that CVS is a pretty well-known store in the United States. But have you ever thought about what CVS stands for?

Things that have abbreviations as their name, but aren’t known acronyms like “TGIFridays,” for example, just kind of become their initials. CVS is just CVS, there sometimes isn’t a question about what it could mean...right? Actually, “CVS” does stand for something; read on to find out.

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What does CVS stand for?

While there are some fun guesses you can throw out there for what CVS stands for, the real answer is actually pretty simple. According to The Hill, CVS stands for “Consumer Value Stores.” They reported that CVS is America’s largest pharmacy chain and opened in 1963. They started out in Massachusetts but are, of course, nationwide now.

The Hill also wrote that in the early years of CVS, their full name was on the walls of their stores along with a crest with “CVS” in the middle (their first logo). But customers didn’t call it “Consumer Value Stores” by 1969—and it’s been known primarily as “CVS” ever since. And as of 1996, CVS became the official company’s name, forgoing what it originally stood for altogether.

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What do people think CVS stands for?

If you didn't know the story behind their name, don't worry—it's pretty clear that a lot of people on the internet don't know what CVS means either.

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The artnaturals TikTok account went around their offices asking employees what they think CVS stands for, and the answers were just as confusing as they were entertaining.

  • "CVS doesn't stand for anything, it's like NASA, it's just a word..."

  • Curd Value Service

  • Customer Value Surprise

  • Customers...

Finally, the last person did guess correctly—again, Consumer Value Stores—but just to note, the guy who was so sure that CVS stood for nothing "just like NASA" is wrong on two fronts. "NASA" stands for "National Aeronautics and Space Administration," but kudos to him on the confidence.

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The account @efraindub—run by someone named Efrain—is one of those interview accounts where they go around with little mics or earbuds and ask random people questions for a gag. When he asked these people what CVS stands for said, they said:

  • Cardiovascular System

  • Chocolate Vanilla Swirl

  • [Someone's initials]

  • Cotton Vaseline and Stuff

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Lastly, this TikTok from the official WNBA (which stands for The Women's National Basketball Association) account asked their players what CVS stands for as well. They said:

  • Cardiovascular System

  • Care Vitamins Sweets

  • Clinical Variety Store

  • Care Vision Store

  • ConVenience Store

Again, "cardiovascular system" is a popular answer, and anything with the word "store" or "stores" is pretty close. But the "ConVenience Store" was probably the most creative.

So there you have it; your neighborhood pharmacy, CVS, has a full, government name and now you know it.

Next up, have you ever wondered what "P.S." stands for in letters or emails? We have the answer