How to Beat the Afternoon Slump Without Caffeine

We’re all familiar with the dreaded afternoon slump. That time between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. that just seems to drag on. You feel simultaneously unfocused and exhausted. Being productive feels borderline impossible and all you can think about is taking a long nap. But, what causes this sudden drop in energy and how can we effectively avoid it?

Keri Peterson, MD, an internist in NYC who works with the digital health platform ZocDoc, explained to Yahoo Health that mid-day drowsiness is quite common, and the reason for it might surprise you: your natural circadian rhythms. These rhythms “govern many of the body’s biological processes tied to energy levels and alertness — things like blood pressure, body temperature, sleep cycles, hormone levels, among others,” says Peterson.

Related: If You’ve Only Gotten This Much Sleep, Do NOT Get Behind The Wheel

Instead of reaching for yet another cup of coffee — which could mess with your sleep later on — there are many alternative ways to re-energize when you feel that you’ve hit a roadblock. Here, we lay out the best ways to reboot and wake up so you can carry on the day without any issues.

Read This Next: Exhausted? Maybe It’s Your Hormones

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