How One Deep Breath Can Help You Change Your Habits

If you have a big decision to make, start with a deep breath — it’ll help. (Photo: Getty Images)

Peter Bregman is not just a successful leadership coach, author, CEO, and contributor to publications like Harvard Business Review and Forbes. He is an expert in something called emotional courage.

In doing research for his book 4 Seconds, he’s learned a lot about how our emotions play into our habits and relationships — and how to healthfully manage reactions to situations.

If you have an obstacle (big or small), he has a great approach that is immediately useful for anyone. There are just four steps:

  1. Take a breath.

  2. Ask yourself: “What are you feeling right now?”

  3. Determine: “What is the outcome I want in this moment?”

  4. Decide: “What is the thing I can do in this moment that is most likely going to get me to the outcome I want?”

This method is good for literally any situation. Pausing to take one deep breath can give you a moment of clarity — and gives you the chance to make the best choice for yourself.

We run into small obstacles all the time: choosing to eat a cookie, choosing to engage in a screaming match with someone, choosing to hit snooze one more time. If every time you needed to make a decision you took a breath and considered what it is you want to do and whether it serves you in a positive way, would it change your life for the better?

For my full conversation with Peter, listen below:

For more on Peter, click here.

ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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