How to Make Household Chores More Fun and Mentally Stimulating

someone washing dishes or another household chore
someone washing dishes or another household chore

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Clutter is natural in any home. It is important, however, to tackle messy hotspots in the spaces you use the most. "I recommend 'resetting' a room when you're done using it so that it looks like it did when you walked in the door," says Jessica Haizman, an organizational expert and lifestyle influencer. "This can be anything from tossing out garbage, stacking up dirty plates to take to the kitchen, gathering your little ones' toys up off the floor, or washing the dishes after every meal."

By tackling these chores each and every day, you can avoid performing that dreaded overhaul a few times a year. Even though daily tasks may seem daunting, there are ways to make the process more enjoyable. No matter what you do, try to make a schedule and don't try to do everything all at once.

"For example, you could have a day where you do laundry, another day where you deep clean the bathroom, and another day where you reorganize the pantry," says Melissa Metrano, a cleaning expert and lifestyle and home influencer. "This will help you get into a routine and take up less of your time each day."

It's also possible to have some fun along the way when doing your chores. This can give you an extra push to get your place looking as good as new. "Whenever I'm working up the motivation to clean a space in my home, I always try to focus on how much better I will feel after getting it done," says Haizman. Here, our experts share four ways to cross these tasks off your to-do list—and introduce some fun and mental stimulation along the way.

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Stream a TV Show or Podcast

You can take your favorite mobile device from room to room as you clean—so consider streaming a TV show or podcast while you work. "Some of my favorite things to do is prop up my iPad and watch my favorite YouTuber or Netflix show while I fold laundry," Haizman shares. "[I also] put my [headphones] in and play my 'Mom's on Stage' Spotify playlist while I vacuum the house (and sing really loud—hello endorphins!). Thanks to modern technology, we have lots of options to keep our minds entertained while our bodies do the work."

Dance to Some Music

There's nothing quite like a built-in dance party to add some fun to your household activities—especially if you get the kids involved. Haizman recommends turning up the music and taking a twirl around the rooms as you sweep, dust, or vacuum. You can even make it a game: Once the song changes, you need move on to the next chore at hand (so you'll have to finish up quick!).

Metrano agrees, as listening to music is her go-to. "This makes time go by so fast without being too distracting," she says. "Recently I have been putting on the Q-tips Spotify playlist, there are 100 songs and it is so good! I don't think I would be as motivated to clean without having something fun to listen to."

Give a Friend a Ring

Chatting on the phone with friends or family can make the cleaning and organizing experience that much more enjoyable while you're in progress and once you're done. "It really does feel incredible to relax in a nice clean home, free of the clutter, garbage, and dirty dishes," Haizman says—and that feeling is even sweeter if you catch up with a friend in the process.

Have Your Favorite Products on Hand

Haizman recommends having your favorite products and appliances on hand to make chores easier and more fun. If you know you need to clean your floors, invest in a high-quality vacuum that can tackle any necessary messes—doing so might make you excited to use it, especially since you know it's up to the job and easy to maneuver.

The same goes for other tasks, like washing dishes. Haizman suggests stocking up on fragrant, pretty dish soaps (consider J.R. Watkins Foaming Dish Soap ($6.99, that can tackle stuck-on food and grime and make simple work of the pots and pans that may have piled up in your sink. The aromatic experience is just another added benefit.