House Cat Who Politely Refuses to Catch a Mouse Teaches Everyone a Lesson in Manners

The thing about stereotypes is that there are a lot of harmful ones out there. Especially when it comes to getting to know other human beings, it's not fair or accurate to rely on these generalizations. Stereotypes can be misleading when getting to know animals, as well, but some pet stereotypes are actually kind of on point!

If you're familiar with the stereotypes about Huskies as loud talkers, it's for a good reason! While not every Husky is going to interrupt everything you say, many dogs of this breed bark, whine, and 'talk' a lot more than other dog breeds do.

And the same applies to cats! Some stereotypes are total rubbish, while others--such as the belief that cats like to hunt mice--are around for a reason. Even so, you'll find plenty of felines like Alberta wife Miss Lee's tuxedo cat, who seemingly don't fit the bill. She flat-out refuses to hunt a mouse right in front of her face!

LOL! The cat's target couldn't have been much closer even if she'd set this up herself, but she still wouldn't pounce on the tiny home intruder. Instead, this black and white cat rolled around on the floor lazily and happily, almost unaware of what was right beside her.

Related: Cat's Proud Reaction to 'Catching a Mouse' Couldn't Be More Priceless

"This is Cat-IT," joked commenter @funnyprincess. "We have opened a ticket and will be rebooting your cat's operational software shortly…. Stay tuned!" Haha! As funny as this comment is, it's also quite accurate. Most cats have an affinity for chasing and catching mice, but this farm cat was trying to tell everyone she was off duty right now.

Or was she? In a follow-up video on her profile that you can find at your own discretion, the farm wife and cat mom shared the female kitty's--ahem--job well done. In the end, the laziness and kindness were all just a trick!

Do All Cats Catch Mice?

Although not all cats will encounter mice throughout their lives, some cat owners are surprised to find out that virtually all felines have a prey drive. This is what takes over when a cat stalks and pounces on a toy, or when they attack your toes with seemingly no notice. So when it comes to hunting mice, lizards, and other small creatures, most cats don't hesitate!

And even if your feline is not a hunter, simply the presence of a cat is often enough to scare away small critters who can go elsewhere. If only it were that case all the time! It would be nice if no one was hunted for food or play, but this is the circle of life, after all. Cats like this tuxedo kitty are simply following their instincts and doing their jobs!

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