Hostess Has New Key Lime-Flavored CupCakes That Will Surely Become a Summer Favorite

Photo credit: Hostess
Photo credit: Hostess

Another day, another key lime pie-inspired treat that we must get our hands on. This time, it’s Hostess that has introduced it. In honor of summer, you’ll be able to get Key Lime CupCakes for a limited time.

The warm-weather-approved treat starts with golden cake. It’s filled with “key lime creamy filling,” as described on the packaging, and topped with a green icing. The whole thing looks like a mini key lime pie that’s magically become a cupcake, which makes sense because that’s what the brand was going for.

The great thing about typical key lime pies is that they combine sweetness with tartness for a taste bud-pleasing bite. That’s also what’s happening with these CupCakes, because you get the sweet cake paired with what’s detailed as a slightly tart crème filling. Is it any wonder we’ll be stalking the snack aisle until we find them?

The new Hostess Key Lime CupCakes were recently listed on Meijer’s website, which means it’s only a matter of time until they make their way to stores. Each box includes eight individually wrapped cakes and retails for $3.89. If these could officially come out sooner rather than later, that would be ideal (just saying, Hostess).

Read More:

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