How to Host a Stuffed Potato-Themed Potluck Dinner

Baked potatoes are traditionally designated as a side dish, but pile them high with pulled pork and other toppings and they become a satisfying main meal for your next potluck dinner. The concept is simple: plan to provide a few of the elements, then have your guests bring the rest. Get delicious recipes below, plus a few helpful tips to make planning a breeze (and if you're looking for other menu ideas, try this concept with our ramen menu or niçoise salad menu).

Related: Hot Potato! 10 Healthy Baked Potato Toppings You Haven't Tried

Tips for Planning

Tip #1: Decide which elements of the menu you will provide.

Tip #2: Make a list of all the components you'd like other people to bring. Include any relevant recipe links.

Tip #3: Send out a sign-up sheet via Google Sheets or so guests can choose which elements they'll contribute.

Tip #4: When everyone arrives, assemble all the contributions into a buffet and let each guest build their own meal.

The Menu

In addition to these recipes, try add-ons like shredded Brussels sprouts, diced onion, shredded cheese, sour cream, chopped chives and corn relish to make the most of your spud.

Baked Potatoes

Basic Baked Potatoes
Basic Baked Potatoes

Cheesy Broccoli

Cheesy Broccoli
Cheesy Broccoli

Pulled Pork with Carolina-Style BBQ Sauce

Pulled Pork with Carolina-Style BBQ Sauce
Pulled Pork with Carolina-Style BBQ Sauce