Horse's Fitting Reaction to Being Brought Hay Has People Obsessed

Her cute noises are just the best.

Life is full of little pleasures, but it's pretty hard to top that moment when your food finally arrives at a restaurant. It can be genuinely hard to contain that type of excitement! Even Piper the pony understands how great mealtime can be--just listen to her excited little noises when she sees her snack on its way!

Her caretaker, @evans_world, gave the horse a wireless microphone so his followers could get a good listen, and we're oh-so-glad that he did. Piper's joy is impossible to resist!

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How cute is she? Piper's happy lil' snorts could put a smile on anyone's face, and this video's comments are perfect proof.

"I didn’t know I needed this sound but it made my heart happy," said @ashorourke13. "Thank you." See what we mean? You don't need to be a horse fanatic to get a kick out of this pony's reaction.

"My dog makes similar noises and we call it revving up the engine," @illbebackin2minutes shared. Well--that's an accurate name for the sound! On the other hand, though, @mylittleappy thought that "she sounds like a cold start." Whatever Piper's whinnies resemble, we know one thing for sure--they're adorable!

@Shawnastraight agreed, writing, "she sounds so sweet." No wonder she's such a hit with the kids! In a reply to @hunter.duff, Evan shared that Piper "has someone half leasing her. We are looking for another kid to half-lease her (3 rides per week)." Whoever that child is will be so lucky to have her! We know they'll love her reaction to receiving hay, too.

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