Horse Tosses Barn Cat Out of Its Stall Like an Unwanted Guest in Wild Video

When it comes to animals with attitude, you never know who's going to reign supreme. Cats are stereotypically known for giving zero you-know-whats, and for mercilessly knocking things down just because they can. And while many felines do have a personality on the spicy side, they're definitely not the only ones.

Just ask the rancher and equestrian behind one viral TikTok video! He's all too familiar with the ways animals can express their discontent, and he simply had to share one way said 'no thank you' to a visitor in their stall. The brown horse didn't seem too upset by the cat (whom you can't see in the January 31 video at first), but then they do something that's pretty hard to misunderstand. They toss the cat right out of their stall!

OMG! The first time I watched this video, I thought I missed the main event, but I must've been thrown off by the other barn cat in the video. There's no question what happened right at the end of the clip!

Related: Horse's Unbothered Reaction to Cat Trying to Play with Him Is a Whole Mood

What actually has me re-watching is everyone's nonchalant reactions. The grumpy horse acts as if they've done nothing at all, and even the black cat gets up and walks away like they're hoping no one saw that. Unfortunately, the cameras in the barn mean that we all saw it!

At first, I was puzzled why the horse owner didn't react, but a careful peek just beneath the clock shows that she did, in fact, stop in her tracks. I probably would, too, if a cat flew through the air! Even so, she's around these animals all the time and agrees with many of the commenters that barn cats are tough. For us, it might be a shock to watch these kinds of interactions, but to them, they're totally normal... which must be why there are multiple cameras in the barn! This wild moment was caught by not one—but two cameras, and the second angle is even better.

Haha! This angle shows @justarancher55's wife's reaction in all its glory, and it also reassures viewers that the brave barn cat is just fine.

Why Do Cats Land on Their Feet?

The 'flying' cat recovered from the fall instantaneously, which has people wondering how exactly cats land on their feet all the time. Their balancing act is pretty impressive, and it actually has to do with their tails. It's true—cats' tails help them balance on narrow walkways and when climbing, just like how people hold their arms out to get a better balance. It acts like a counterweight, and it helps cats control everything about their balance, including the way they fall.

Clearly, this barn kitty has had plenty of practice balancing with their tail—and it finally came in handy!

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