Bizarre Animal Accident Raises Bigger Ethical Questions In Jackson, WY

On Sunday evening at approximately 7:50 PM MDT, August 20th, two horses pulling a carriage raced down a street in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, before colliding with a traffic light post.

The video below shows the incident unfold on a live webcam positioned in downtown Jackson, WY:

This story was originally broken by the Jackson Hole News & Guide on August 23rd, a local Jackson newspaper.

To read their coverage of the accident, click here.

No one was driving the carriage at the time of the accident, nor was anyone hurt. The severity of the horses' injuries isn't yet known.

Sgt. John Faicco of the Teton County Sheriff's Office told the Jackson Hole News & Guide that the horses were being unhitched for the night when they became scared, causing them to run down the street unattended.

After the collision, a crowd formed around the horses and carriage. Some bystanders argued about the ethics of animal servitude, whereas one hugged one of the horses.

Three Teton County sheriffs arrived at the crash scene at 7:54 PM MDT.

Jackson Hole News & Guide has contacted Castagno Outfitters -- a guide company that provides stagecoach rides in Jackson -- but hasn't received a comment on the accident yet.

No property, aside from the stagecoach, was damaged.

Local law enforcement is working on a crash investigation and report.

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