What Horror Movie Jump Scare Do You Fully Admit Got You?

It's a well-documented fact on BuzzFeed dot com the website that I love celebrating a good jump scare in a horror movie.*

Warner Bros.

*Not in real life, though. When you have severe anxiety, everything's a jump scare in real life.

So, with that in mind, what jump scare got you REAL good? Like, I'm talking you ACTUALLY jumped a little (or a lot)?

Universal Pictures

Maybe the red man scene in Insidious (2010) made you actually scream out loud in the theater.

Or perhaps the slow and steady jump scare in The Strangers (2008) made you drop your popcorn on the floor because your whole body jumped.

Heck, maybe your parents showed you The Exorcist III (1990) and THAT jump scare got you so good, you didn't speak to your parents for a week and still bring it up to make them feel bad.

Share the horror movie jump scare that got you real, real good, and a little bit about what made it so scary in the comments below for a chance to be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post and/or video!