Your Horoscope for the Week of September 5

Overview: Hit the reset button! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo resets our commitments to the habits that support our best selves. Wednesday’s Moon in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries, helping us understand how we (and others!) can do scary things when we’re scared. Romantic Venus enters intimate Scorpio on Friday, where it stays until October 7, showing us which relationships have staying power.

What that means for you:


What does “wellbeing” mean to you, Aries? Monday’s New Moon in Virgo wants your intentions on how to improve your mind, body, heart, and spirit. A Moon-Chiron opposition on Wednesday want you to honor your feels without offloading or self-protecting. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled intimacy zone on Friday, helping you take your relationships to the deepest levels of trust.


You’re worthy, Taurus! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo wants your intentions for grounded confidence because you’re already worthy of love, joy, and belonging. A Moon-Chiron opposition on Wednesday helps you balance the healing of mind, body, and soul. Venus enters Scorpio on Friday and begins a romantic, opposites-attract style kind of love story just for you!


Happy homecoming, Gemini! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo wants your intentions on home, family—both chosen and origin!—and emotional safety. Wednesday’s Moon-Chiron opposition illuminates the paradox of belonging; don’t abandon yourself for others. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled wellbeing zone on Friday giving you support for better habits and behaviors.


Find your words, Cancer! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo wants your intentions that strengthen your communication skills for personal and relational success. A Moon-Chiron opposition on Wednesday wants you to practice mindfulness re: emotions at work. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled self-esteem sector on Friday, grounding you in even more confidence and glamour.


What does “enough” look like, Leo? Monday’s New Moon in your Virgo-ruled income and safety zone wants your abundant intentions on financial security. A Moon-Chiron opposition on Wednesday doesn’t want you to get caught in the weeds; let the big picture set you free! Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled emotional safety sector on Friday, deepening your romantic bonds with empathy.


Happy Birthday, Virgo! Monday’s New Moon shines just for you. Tell the universe your best-case scenario outcome and follow the direction for fast manifestation. A Moon-Chiron opposition on Wednesday wants you to stay emotionally grounded in the unknown. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled communication zone on Friday, helping you give more language to your love.


It’s safe to let go, Libra! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo helps you release low-level habits, thinking traps, emotional patterns, and behaviors that keep you stuck and small. Wednesday’s Moon-Chiron opposition wants you to safeguard your autonomy in relationships. Then Venus enters your Scorpio ruled income zone on Friday, helping you get closer to your financial goals.


How can you help others, Scorpio? Monday’s New Moon in Virgo lights up your political and social sector and wants your intentions on activism, service, and friendships. Wednesday’s Moon-Chiron opposition helps you stay proactive about the habits that help you succeed. Then Venus enters your sign on Friday, improving the quality of your relationships powerfully and beautifully!


Rise and shine, Sag! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo wants your career intentions and all the ways you can step into leadership, self-employment, and meaningful work. Wednesday’s Moon-Chiron opposition wants you to stand your ground in a collective environment. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled closure zone on Friday, setting you free from past habits and pain.


Ready, set, expand, Cap! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo puts you in touch with ideas, places, and experiences that widen, deepen, and transform your life. Wednesday’s Moon-Chiron opposition opens up a space to share emotions at your workplace. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled friendship zone on Friday, blurring the lines between friend and over, so blend the best of both!


Let’s go deeper, Aquarius! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo wants your intentions on intimacy, pleasure, authenticity, and transformation. A Moon-Chiron opposition on Wednesday wants you to leverage the details and vision for clear understanding. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled career zone on Friday, magnetizing supportive colleagues and helpful networks for success.


Let love in, Pisces! Monday’s New Moon in Virgo wants your specific intentions for both giving and receiving the best romantic love. Wednesday’s Moon-Chiron opposition wants you to take a micro risk to build the bridge towards trust. Venus enters your Scorpio-ruled wisdom zone on Friday, giving you education and breakthroughs for romantic success.

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