Your Horoscope for the Week of September 16, 2019

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or an aspiring boss, it's time to move forward with course corrections made over the past few months and apply in whatever practical way you can. Own the expertise gained through time and life experience and step into your authority. Remember it’s the grit, hustle, and grind that polishes your rough edges and ideas into a gleaming gem. Read on to discover what’s in store for your rising sign during the week of September 16 through to September 22, 2019, and double down by getting to know your rising sign.

Aries | Aries rising

Aries, the world has an appetite for what you've got yet there’s been some back and forth on your career front: just when you get some traction progress stalls. Blame has been an internal trial, and probably an external one with a few blocks and dropouts to test your dedication and resolve. How much do you want it? How hard are you willing to work? Come to terms with exactly what you want to build, the reality of what you're prepared to do, and who you're prepared to become. Reality pales in comparison to an idealistic vision, yet manifesting your dream into reality demands working within certain limits; cut and dice when necessary. It's time to move forward now. This is your contribution to the world, so make it happen by igniting your natural enthusiasm and run with the ball through to mission accomplished.

Taurus | Taurus rising

Your star is ascending and you're the next train out of the station in terms of success. What you do over the next few years will set you up for a career peak. The point now is to expand your horizons and reach. Working with established and professional channels work well for you, and you'll probably be drawn to travel for your career. So funnel resources accordingly this week. Opportunities may find you whether you seek them or not, however, make the most of it by planning ahead. Set up meetings, take up leads and make the contacts. If you can show up and shake hands in person, even better. Remember, this is about expansion. Saturday's last quarter moon is in Gemini, suggesting you pin down your spending and clean up any subscriptions or other unnecessary drains on your account.

Gemini | Gemini rising

This week’s headliner has a career focus. You currently possess the luck of the Irish as the saying goes, with the proverbial pot of gold firmly planted in the hands of someone else. Yes, opportunities are bought to you by others this year so reach out and make connections. You have the gift of gab so usher in any collabs that will be mutually beneficial. In terms of drawing on the resources of others, this is where you may be tripping up. All those lucky breaks and burgeoning partnerships may not be translating into recruiter requests, Insta followers, or other aspects of biz. While this is frustrating, the point is that only the most authentic will make the cut.

Cancer | Cancer rising

Cancer, you're used to security in most areas of your life yet there's been so much change you've been adjusting to. By following your gut instincts you should know by now when to let go as an aspect of your life is coming to a close. Let it go with gratitude for what it's provided you with up until now. Don't drag it out. Look to the future so you will see the new opportunities that are present. Saturn is linked to career, and it’s moving out of a rough retrograde, in your partnership zone. This means the adjustments in relationships have been finalized and it’s time to move forward. Relationships and marriage can be a little like a business. When you both know what you've signed up for, maintain boundaries and keep up your responsibilities, things tend to work more smoothly. Make sure this is where you're at with bae, close friends, collabs, and biz partners.

Leo | Leo rising

Have you been redeveloping your career? Need a mentor? With Saturn going direct this week there may be someone you can call on to show you the ropes that will set you up for a career climb. If work has been transforming or you've become aware of your limitations then that should correct itself this week so you know where you stand. Support yourself by getting your daily habits and routine on track. Develop a decent health routine and stick to it. If you've been putting off any health appointments then this is a great time to do your due diligence, you owe it to your body. Think of it like servicing a car. Your body needs care to keep running and under this transit, it has to be done. As a fire sign, you have a strong life force and reliable energy stores, however, this is your time for any major servicing.

Virgo | Virgo rising

Virgo, this is your last week of the sun lighting up your sign so make the most of it by putting yourself out there, and presenting your best angle. Relationships have had their challenges for some time so welcome a respite as Saturn moves direct. You've been tasked with deep transformation as well as stepping up in terms of boundaries, commitment and putting the hard work into both love affairs and your creative offerings. Has it been hard to just let go and have fun? I bet! Go easy on yourself and take time out to lighten up. It's important you develop areas you're passionate about, and you'll bank on them later, however, inspiration often comes in those light-hearted moments between the grind. Allow some fun and even romance to bring some sparkle into your life and stop overthinking everything if your mind has been whirring on every detail.

Libra | Libra rising

If you've had a stalemate at home or with family, you'll move forward this week. Solidify your base, as it’s the foundation for your success at the moment. If home plays a part in your work, or you literally work from home, you'll have some movement now. The week begins by calling on your diplomatic skills. Someone near is dear is struggling, feeling super sensitive and in need of TLC. However, it's important you maintain boundaries around what you need to do for yourself as well. If you're minimizing yourself to make others feel comfortable, now isn't the time for compromise. It may be a little uncomfortable but practice speaking with authority, clearly lay down your boundaries, and others will respect you for it in the end. They'll also feel safe and know where they stand.

Scorpio | Scorpio rising

This week’s forward motion occurs in your local environment. You'll step out and up with a little more authority. The planet Saturn is linked with career and tends to define us because we work so hard to master an area of imposed limitation, eventually mastering it. Communication, as well as mindset, have been undergoing a lot of change. Studying for future career benefit is wise this week. Transforming your mindset and beliefs will go a long way in restructuring your reality. Look into techniques from NLP, (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to hypnotherapy and even journaling although I'd suggest you go deeper. If you're drawn to learning more about these techniques, it could benefit you professionally further down the line.

Sagittarius | Sagittarius rising

Expect some forward motion in your financial zone. If you've been doing the work, but the dollars haven't been matching the grind, you're about to get paid. Your entire area of finance and underlying self-worth has been undergoing a restructuring and regeneration. Step in and face challenges to this area like a boss, and you'll end up banking like one. Resources have been transforming, which can be scary when your bedrock is uncertain. Make sure your generosity doesn't outstrip your need to pay the bills. By valuing your areas of expertise accumulated over time, and setting the financial bar accordingly you're moving step by step to new sources of income that are in line with your values, which of course, further promotes self-worth, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. You do you Sagittarius, because it's you they're paying for.

Capricorn | Capricorn rising

Your eye is firmly on a prize worth having, yet there've been bumps in your ascent to success. Since Saturn is also in your sign over the next year or so, this means you're encouraged to step up and into your full regalia of authority and professionalism. Your presence is commanding, so step into your power and next-level your authority to match your expertise, captain your ship like you mean it. Determination and discipline are your best allies, as are boundaries so put them in place. It's human nature to test limits, and people will test yours. Take it in your stride, and maintain your position. Limit excess if it drains time and energy from your goals, so you can focus on building your best Capricorn self. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither will you be, however, the personal work you do now all goes to paving the way.

Aquarius | Aquarius rising

The mystic zone continues for you this week as you slowly open up to the intangible side of life. You have a love of hard science yet that open-minded part of you simply can’t close the door on the flow of research that’s testing positive on things we once believed were unfounded "woo." Apply your pragmatic side to developing a structured system for accessing the subtle realms and your intuition. Don't jump around from one style or path to the other. Choose one that does the job and stick to it so you develop your skills. Discipline is key here. Results will build with time. Meditation or guided visualization is great. Or you may be drawn to developing your skills as a side hustle. Not the usual thing for you but if you've been dreaming of career development or even a big change it may open up or clarify your options. It may not come as suddenly as you wish but change can take time.

Pisces | Pisces rising

Are you ready to be team captain Pisces? It may be time for you to step up into a position of authority in a group situation. This could mean extra responsibilities and being on time, every time, not the usual superpower of your average Pisces, but responding to the call builds your experience which all goes onto your resume and career climb. If you've been thinking about stepping out professionally into working with groups of people, Saturn moving direct suggests yes, it's time. If it’s working in with peers or something you believe in that’s socially beneficial on some level, even better. The last quarter moon for this lunar cycle suggests getting your feelings clear on the home front over this weekend. Wind down a project in that area that’s taken up more of your life than you'd initially planned for. Don't let further interruptions stall you, communicate clearly and directly so everyone's on the same page.

Vanessa Montgomery—aka Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and author of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery's work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world.

Originally Appeared on Glamour