Your Horoscope for the Week of October 21, 2019

Touch base with your dark side as the spooky season officially begins on Wednesday as the sun slides into Scorpio. No need to stir the proverbial cauldron or expose all your secrets—this season is ultimately about transformation and empowerment. Give airtime to the you-ness that sees through bullshit, has a sixth sense about what’s not being said, and thrives on deep and meaningful partnerships. Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of October 21 through October 27, 2019, and double down by getting to know your rising sign.

Aries | Aries rising

Spooky season never looked so sexy as Scorpio hosts your sphere of intimacy. As dark secrets fly out of others' closets like bats at dusk, it’s time to hunker down in your bat cave and triple-check locks on your secret comings and goings. Find a trusted confidant to get anything heavy off your chest. Monday is the perfect day for clandestine sharing, so make a heart-to-heart count. Go on a spontaneous date night or set up for solo ambience at home. Use the cosmic moment to dissolve anything you’re still carrying emotionally. Download and embody a fresh feel on love and beauty. By the weekend, partnership and public image/career clash. Either give separate time to each or see how you can find the higher or third integrative option.

Taurus | Taurus rising

Scorpio season kicks off this Wednesday as the sun lights up your opposite sign and zone of partnership. While you generally gravitate toward the solid, expected, and quiet life, you do get a little bored quietly watering the roses or working so many hours to bring home the bacon. Stay open to the lessons you receive from others and to the potential for partnerships and pair-ups, as well as deepening and transforming existing one-to-ones. If work obligations are chewing up your time and holding you back, it’s time to exercise your authority. Don’t let etiquette hold you back. It’s time to stand up for what you have to offer on the work front. No one will know or listen unless you are willing to be assertive. Step into the game and be ready to bat.

Gemini | Gemini rising

With the sun moving from your romance zone into your work zone this week, it’s time to find room in your routine for a date that you would like to stick around, for regular romance, or for any new creative outlets. If they don’t make the grade, then they weren’t meant to last, so scratch them off your schedule. Spooky season hits your career this week—carve out a pumpkin for your desktop and swap your screensaver for something fit for the witching month. Think of a strong statement/intention you want to manifest so that you see it throughout the day. Add a routine to it: Every time you see that statement, you take a drink of water, for example. Feel and see it like it exists now. Share what you're passionate about achieving in your work and career with a superior, as you’re more likely to get your message across early in the week.

Cancer | Cancer rising

The sun has your romance zone lit as Scorpio season next-levels dating and fun. Resurrect a current relationship by transforming the way you do romance and put dating back on your itinerary. Keep it light and fun. Cancerians often have some ability in the psychic arts thanks to the impressionable emotional nature of your element, water, and your ruling planet, the changeable moon. On Monday expect a booster shot to your romantic ideal that helps you dissolve any outdated attachment styles or long-held illusions.

Leo | Leo rising

Hunker down, Leo. Scorpio season turns the volume up and the lights way down on your home sector. You’ll be feeling all the feels and enjoy some clandestine connections. Your home may feel like spook central, so call up the drama and decorate accordingly if you haven't already. Drop into your raw, deeper emotional recesses and expect nostalgic memories to linger. Let your feelings flow like water and note anything you need to transform about your childhood and family. If it's stale, it’s time to exorcise those ghosts of the past. While the first part of the week cruises by, it ends with a challenge to your authority or some sort of obstacle between your local area and your work or routine. It may be as simple as roadwork, a contentious neighbor, or feisty sibling that you need to create boundaries for. Whatever the challenge, when you need to assert yourself, maintain your boundaries, and stand up to action your ideas at work.

Virgo | Virgo rising

You love to know what’s going on in your area of town, and Scorpio season lights up this zone for you. Expect some local intrigue over this season and take the opportunity to get in early and case your neighbors before trick-or-treating starts. Scorpio is about transforming and transcending. If you need to clear muddied waters with siblings, Monday is prime time. State your case with partnerships as well—there’s a chance to speak heart-to-heart to solve issues. Take the higher road and this could be an almost mystical experience. Your local zone and romance sphere clash over the weekend. Take on active communication, be the authority, and set things straight so you can free-range, while also setting and standing up for your boundaries. Negotiate while avoiding the pitfall of being too passive or sending mixed messages that water down your assertiveness and your clear message.

Libra | Libra rising

If your finances need to be revived, then spooky season is here for you. The sun in Scorpio lights up this zone; thankfully, it’s renowned for cutting financial drain and transforming accounts. Get under the covers with your accounting, review your budget, and don’t stop until every financial expense has been accounted for. Your finance zone has hit a block with your home zone as a reality check sinks in over the weekend. You may have over-capitalized or hit a wall with improvements, but you want to push ahead. It’s okay to sit this one out and use the time for planning or working on building up finance before you continue. If your self-worth hits a block from family, it’s time to act on your values, and develop a solid secure foundation based on your wisdom. Build your own castle and family.

Scorpio | Scorpio rising

Happy birthday, Scorpio! This is your season, and everyone is celebrating as Halloween looks set to be one of the biggest and best in recent years. Scorpio season is associated with the cycle of life at the point that the trees draw in their resources, leaves fall, and we consolidate the harvest for the long winter ahead. As the nights are set to become darker, we turn our awareness to everything hidden in shadow and take an active role rather than fear the dark days of declining daylight. No one resonates with and understands this part of the cycle more than you. On Monday you glow with personal magnetism as a supportive connection is formed between your creative/romantic zone and your image. This is a sweet moment of transcendence in either romance or creative self-expression—or both. Take some time to channel the muse by opening your heart and allowing love to touch your soul.

Sagittarius | Sagittarius rising

You are officially in stealth mode as the sun in private Scorpio glows in your zone of dreams, escapism, and cosmic downloads. You’ve been reaching out on all platforms to warm up, meet, and round up your social network. Now it’s time to ghost on excess social soirees and limber up your lotus pose. Slow down, and seek the solitude you need to listen to the whispering of your soul. Meditate, meander in nature, or float in the tub, whatever turns the volume up on your intuitive voice. This season is all about taking time out for much needed R&R before the sun shines in your sign, heralding the whirlwind of the silly season. Monday kicks off with a magical moment thanks to tapping into your inner voice. Watch for an ephemeral moment—this is a special chance to dissolve any emotional attachments and reach a higher octave. Feel it and allow shift to happen.

Capricorn | Capricorn rising

Scorpio season resets your social networking to maximum as the sun spotlights your inner socialite. Take the opportunity to attend more happenings and accept those extra invitations—you never know who you may meet. Take time to connect deeply with new people and check their credentials. They may have some deep insight to share with you. Look for someone with a common interest that has something special to share on Monday. You want to take action in your career, especially if it means working with someone, but you’re finding it hard to let down your guard and the image you’ve created as a self-contained master of your trade. This energy needs assertive action with an adjustment that’s still win-win. Don’t let your need to take care of everything set you up with the extra burden. Allow contribution or you’ll end up feeling angry, resentful, and crushed. You’re a powerhouse, but you’re only human, so do what’s fair for you too.

Aquarius | Aquarius rising

Scorpio season lights up your career zone as the sun lends her radiance, and others see the work you’ve done behind the scenes. People are taking notice, and on Monday this may translate directly into a money-manifesting moment, so help the cosmos by setting some financial intentions. Scorpio energy is transformative: Resuscitate your career or completely revamp your professional image if it needs it. Expect intensity and don’t be afraid to show yours by demonstrating how you perform under pressure. You want to activate your vision and higher goals or even launch something meaningful, but fear of the unknown has you stopped in your tracks. Push through and trust your inner authority rather than search around externally for someone else to provide the green light. This is your time to listen to your inner voice, (your intuition) and what form that takes. The longer you resist the fact that you already know, the more frustrating it will be with stalled plans.

Pisces | Pisces rising

Scorpio season is a water sign like you, so it supports you to stand out, as well as turns up the dial on your super sensei abilities to detect emotional undercurrents. This season spooky takes on an international appeal as your zone of travel, people, and general visionary goals are lit up. If you have teaching to share, a course to launch, or study you’ve been dreaming of, this is your week to get the ball rolling. If you’re getting on a plane for far-flung destinations or simply dreaming big, dig deep into your ability to transform your belief system or those of others as you channel your inner guru. Think deeply about what it is you want to say, your overall mission statement on life. What do you want to share, and what are you seeking to learn? Remember the answer is probably within, so dig out belief systems that aren’t yours and reinvent your own.

Vanessa Montgomery—aka Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and author of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world.

Originally Appeared on Glamour