Your Horoscope for the Week of May 11, 2020

Your weekly horoscope is here! Your assignment this week: Work on how you speak to yourself. Note the words you use and the thoughts you think. Lockdown fatigue has set in, and not every day is primed for doing something Insta-worthy, so don't be so hard on yourself if you skip that at-home workout, bail on the novel you just can't get into, or order some great takeout and let your oven gather dust this week. Life isn't perfect in the best of times, so it surely won't be during the challenging ones, either. And that's okay! Read on to discover what's in store for your sign during the week of May 11 through May 17, 2020, and then get to know your rising sign.

Aries | Aries rising

Spy a new potential partner that stimulates your mind with their clever banter? Keep the conversation going; you're likely to find out some interesting facts about them the more you keep the dialogue box open. This week is about being meticulous, Aries: Reread everything, and check you have the correct recipient before you press send. If you can't indulge in short trips, and most of us can't, it's worth taking the time to plan them, especially if you can go with a close friend or said new partner.

Taurus | Taurus rising

This is not the time to spend big, although shiny, gorgeous items are particularly tempting right now, especially tech, design, and communication devices. Do your research, get clear on what your needs are, and sit on it for now. You may need the extra dollars for another thing you didn't see coming, so don't jump the queue. Check in on what you value and make sure your purchases are in line with and support your top priorities. You're brimming with moneymaking ideas this week, so gather your thoughts, break them down into bite-size pieces, and take it one step at a time.

Gemini | Gemini rising

Gemini this week kicks off some crackling insights, visits from the past, and general rediscovery. This is not the time to start a new direction, relationship, or a drastic new look. However, it's time to reflect as well as plan for a potential reboot in these areas of your life. Note what and who comes up for review. What you do for fun and creative self-expression is also up for examination—try new things and don't hold on to what isn't working.

Cancer | Cancer rising

During the next few weeks, you'll find pleasure in improvement. Beautify the areas of your home that provide a sanctuary for you. Find a novel or series that allows you to escape into another world for a time, ponder a paradox to shift your mindset, or channel the muses with your own creative writing. Your interest in the mystic is piqued this month too, so dreams may bear messages worth noting. Write them down before they evaporate with the dawn.

Leo | Leo rising

Leo, you're revisiting and reviewing your extended social circle, so expect the unexpected as old friends dial in from the past. Over these times a lot of people have had extra time to recall past connections. Perhaps you can rekindle a friendship. You may have a message for each other, or you may remember why you aren't so close after all, so use your discretion. Over the next few weeks, note who rolls up to your virtual door, but don't make any decisions on matching BFF tattoos just yet. Connecting with acquaintances and colleagues who share your interests and stimulate your ideas—as well as letting go of those that are no longer on your wavelength—is beneficial over the next few weeks.

Virgo | Virgo rising

Career relationships are beginning to pivot. Expect to hear from or feel the urge to contact an old boss or someone significant from an earlier period. This is an ideal time to review your professional relationships in general. How are you relating to your work? How can you better connect with others? This isn't a time to forge new alliances so much as refine existing ones. Any action on your branding that supports how others perceive you is beneficial over this period. Update your bio, tweak the fonts, or get on a new platform for optimal visibility.

Libra | Libra rising

You're itching to expand your horizons, but it's going to have to be done virtually for now. Consider a course of study online or start mulling over that next big trip without locking in dates. If you've ever considered learning or developing your foreign-language skills, now is the time. This is a great week to reach out to friends you met during time abroad, college roommates, or overseas connections to let them know they're in your thoughts.

Scorpio | Scorpio rising

Just when you thought your bedside manner couldn't be any more on point, it's time to put the playbook down and revise. How and who are you relating to on the deepest level? It's talk time, so be frank and clear about your needs. Make it a two-way conversation and ask the same in return. This could be a time for fine-tuning and reassessing who you want to bring into your innermost circle, and perhaps who has worn out their welcome. Start with valuing yourself and knowing your worth.

Sagittarius | Sagittarius rising

Your intimacy zone is up for review, so note who appears in your rearview mirror. Expect a love ghost or two from the past to visit and note the message but don't commit for now. If there are adaptations to be made in the area of significant others, remain flexible over the next few weeks without overthinking it. Likewise, revise contracts and agreements this week—negotiate but don't sign just yet.

Capricorn | Capricorn rising

Your work relationships are all up for review by you. Take a look at who you really want to work with. What aspects of your daily work bring you pleasure? Is your creative side fulfilled? You have so many bright ideas, and it's essential to enjoy the company you keep and the tasks you do. If you have a choice in the matter, it may be time to intentionally choose who you'd like to spend more time with and in what manner. Look at how you can dial up what you enjoy and shift what you don't. Your mind is buzzing with new ideas, so plan the changes and value your abilities.

Aquarius | Aquarius rising

This week begins a retrospective on romance, so expect signs from people you've made an impact on—even if it's just in the form of old flames watching your IG stories. Review your creative pursuits and interests, but don't make any big decisions just yet. That includes romantic interests if you're single. This is the perfect time to see who will cut to the front of the line rather than rush anyone into the coveted position by your side.

Pisces | Pisces rising

If your work persona is starting to clash with your homebody side, don't panic. It's perfectly normal to feel alienated from the day-to-day tasks your job requires while under your own roof. The trick is to do the best you can and speak up if you need help or a little extra me time—your superiors will understand. Relationships are being assessed and addressed this week, so better to talk about things openly. Put all your cards on the (kitchen) table over a communal pot of coffee.

Vanessa Montgomery—aka Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and author of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world.

Originally Appeared on Glamour