Your Horoscope for the Week of December 6th

Your Horoscope for the Week of December 6th

From Cosmopolitan

It’s Eclipse Season! Transformation is in the air. On Wednesday, the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, giving us hope, fantasy, and vision for change. The weekend’s energy is sexy, passionate, and romantic when Venus in Scorpio conjuncts the Moon in Scorpio on Saturday.


Can you maintain optimism about closure, Aries? On Wednesday, the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, asking you to complete a chapter and have faith in what happens next. The weekend is intimate and sultry during the Venus-Moon conjunction in Scorpio. Deep truths can be revealed if you’re willing to share your inner feelings and pay attention to others'.


What's the state of your squad, Taurus? The Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces on Wednesday, helping you see the depths, loyalty, and connection between you and your friends. Date night on Saturday? The Venus-Moon conjunction in Scorpio lights up your romantic sector and puts opposites-attract style chemistry in the air!


Relationships take work, Gemmy! This Wednesday, the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces, helping you see how you and your partners put in the elbow grease to make the relationship work. A Moon-Venus conjunction in your Scorpio-ruled health zone on Saturday inspires you to harmonize your routine, wellness, and health choices for success.


Zoom in, zoom out, Cancer! This Wednesday's square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces helps you see balance the details and the big picture. The Venus-Moon conjunction in Scorpio on Saturday gives you a confidence boost. Let your radiance guide to your amazing places!


Don’t be too hard on yourself, Leo. On Wednesday, a square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces could complicate your self-esteem. Embrace your imperfections! A Moon-Venus conjunction in Scorpio on Saturday wants you to connect with the people and places that keep your heart safe. “Reunite” with family and have a homecoming over Zoom/FaceTime/phone/group text/whatever!


Who can you trust, Virgo? This Wednesday’s square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces helps you determine which romantic partners have earned emotional access to you. This Saturday’s Moon-Venus conjunction in Scorpio lights up your communication zone and helps your words flow in the direction of truth, intimacy, and sex!


Time for a check-up, Libra! Wednesday’s square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces wants you to review your health and wellness, erring on the side of responsibility. A sensual weekend is yours: The Venus-Moon conjunction in Scorpio on Saturday helps you feel pleasure just for pleasure’s sake.


Know your worth, Scorpio! This Wednesday’s square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces wants you remember that value and security are internally defined. This weekend is all about you and your joy! Saturday’s Moon-Venus conjunction puts you in touch with your power, pleasure, and contexts for desire.


Happy Birthday, Sag! You’re feeling tender and emotional under Wednesday’s square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Let your feels out with people you trust! The weekend is dreamy, thanks to the Moon-Venus conjunction in Scorpio on Saturday. Your intuition will be more accurate than ever!


Communicate compassionately, Cap! This Wednesday’s square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces helps you give voice to a meaningful truth with empathy, understanding, and grace. This weekend is social under the Moon-Venus conjunction in Scorpio on Saturday, so reunite with your friends over Zoom/FaceTime/etc. and empower each other to do big things!


What values inform your activism, Aquarius? Wednesday’s square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces helps you ground yourself in your convictions. The weekend connects you with your colleagues under the Moon-Venus conjunction in Scorpio on Saturday, deepening the relationships you have with them.


What fuels your purpose, Pisces? A square between the Sun in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces gives you a passion to contribute in a meaningful way. Trust your intuition and have faith that you’ll succeed! A Moon-Venus conjunction in Scorpio on Saturday makes this weekend an intellectual one. You’ll be learning new ideas and applying them to your life!

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