Your Horoscope for the Week of December 31

Your Horoscope for the Week of December 31Hearst Owned

Happy 2024! This week is all about wishing and working to make it happen. On Monday, New Year’s Day, Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius ends and inspires the zodiac to return to hopefulness around our wishes and wants. Then, Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday, supporting our plans to make the wishes come true in powerful ways.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


Think again, Aries! Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius on New Year’s Day and inspires you to bravely reconsider your strategies for success with the information you’ve acquired over the last three weeks. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and gives you the ambition, discipline, and strategies to make these goals happen sooner rather than later.


What’s your truth, Taurus? Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius on Monday and helps you identify a key fact that needs to be accepted, normalized, and communicated clearly to the people who need to know it. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and supports your exploration and education pursuits, so follow your curiosities to incredible spaces and lessons!


Win/win or no deal, Gemini. Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius on New Year’s Day and inspires you to find promise in polarization and discussion across divisiveness. You can mutualize opposites beautifully! Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and supports your work towards greater intimacy in relationships. Embrace imperfections and uncertainty to work on trust!


Mindfulness is your magic, Cancer! On New Year’s Day, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius, helping you cultivate more focus, mindfulness, and attention to the present. That’s where reality is, anyway! Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and inspires you to see conflict as a bridge to closeness that relies on how you handle differences.


Express yourself, Leo! On Monday, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius and expands your willingness to share your hopes, wishes, dreams, and emotions with people you want to experience them with. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and reminds you that your habits create your identity, so choose them wisely!


Balance feeling with thinking, Virgo. On New Year’s Day, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius, helping you name and normalize both your feelings and your thoughts so you can show how balanced you are. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and inspires you to follow your creative yearnings to courageous, exciting, and passionate places.


Clear is kind, Libra. On Monday, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius and reminds you that straight talk leads to straight understanding. Avoid vague, unclear, or ambiguous communication. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and supports you in looking for "home," not just as places and people but as a feeling you earn when you accept who you who are more.


What are your values for 2024, Scorpio? On Monday, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius and you’ll be asked to identify the values you need to implement in your behavior. That way, you have the path to integrity this year. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and helps you communicate with clarity and compassion so you can instill boundaries when conflict emerges.


Dawn is here, Sag! On New Year’s Day, Mercury moves direct in your sign and you’ll begin moving forward into joy, passion, and vitality. You have exciting new ideas that you want to move from abstract to action. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and you’ll be experimenting with strategies that offer you more financial freedom, so take the risks and see what happens.


Happy birthday, Capricorn! On Monday, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius and you’ll be tasked with finishing unfinished business and beginning new business for the New Year. Your success is twofold: Let go and call in. Mars enters your sign on Thursday and blesses you with the energy, enthusiasm, and stamina to make your dreams come true. Have a blast!


Ready, set, reunite, Aquarius! On New Year’s Day, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius and you’ll be socializing with your friends and community. If there has been miscommunication with your people, clear the air and clean it all up. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and motivates you to commit to a spiritual practice that helps you find closure where you need it.


You're realizing things, Pisces! On Monday, Mercury moves direct in Sagittarius and you’ll be struck with new ideas, breakthroughs, and keen insights that help you professionally. Mars enters Capricorn on Thursday and you’ll be leading your friends in powerful ways. Think of yourself as someone who takes responsibility for finding and bringing forth your friends' leadership potential.

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