Your Horoscope for the Week of December 2, 2019

After a year of expansion and busting moves that permit more freedom (although it may not have felt like it at the time), Jupiter, the zodiac's abundance factor, shifts gear into Capricorn, inspiring our inner goal digger to boss up, and drive for results. Get a jump on 2020 by making a strategic plan to work smart with an eye on the long term. This is a defining year in the making, so take those next steps. Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of December 2 through December 8, 2019, and double down by getting to know your rising sign.

Aries | Aries rising

As luck would have it, the planet of expansion takes up residence in your career zone as of Monday. If you have been considering a career change, transformation, or upgrade, this coming year will provide the impulse to develop it, and the growth factor to enable it. This is a confident placement, and don’t we all love that? This change of the guard is worth seriously evaluating what you want to achieve and why, then making a game plan. Make the most of it by opening to opportunity while staying in alignment with what and why you want it. Empires aren't built in a day, but yours could be vastly assisted by this big business pairing.

Taurus | Taurus rising

As the sober reality of experience has been grinding up against your beliefs, you’ve been slowly reverse-engineering them to authentically reflect your views. As of Monday, and for the next year, Jupiter is in your zone of belief, travel, and education. If there’s a trip you’ve always wanted to take, especially one that combines work and education of some form, seriously consider how you can make a solid plan so that it pays off as well as supports your interests. The call to step up and teach or study may also be strong over this period. Whatever you do, building credentials will pay off as you step toward building your ideal empire.

Gemini | Gemini rising

The realm set for growth as of Monday and throughout next year is your sex and joint resources, so this is where you’re likely to find opportunity. You’ll be feeling more positive and ready to lock in commitments over 2020 and may have more offers than you’re accustomed to. When the next person hands you a golden ticket, it may just bring you riches—say yes! Luck may present as a wealthy or generous person, perhaps older and wiser, who could assist you. The benefits of working through other people's business or drawing from their established list are high, so be open to those opportunities. If you reached out over this year to new people, 2020 may present the time frame for these people to share their wealth and resources.

Cancer | Cancer rising

The lucky planets advancing into your relationship sector on Monday suggests a yearlong opportunity to get serious about relationship building. Twenty twenty is a year for you to reach out to people you’d like to collaborate with and form business—or any other—partnerships with. Your existing partnership will feel a boost and you may profit through your partnerships. Make sure contracts are clear, even with friends. When getting to know new people, don’t take things at face value—check backgrounds and references. FYI, your partner could also be the one to experience growth or luck and share it with you. Been thinking long-term with your lover? This could be the year you’ll plan that big commitment ceremony or the year you sidle up to a longer-term lover.

Leo | Leo rising

The holiday season may be coming up, but your work zone is going to be true to its title and get a workout. Unless your work involves entertainment or another industry that for you is more play than work (you’re a Leo after all), be ready. Jupiter is the planet of abundance and growth, so gracing this area of your life often equates to an expanding workload. Working smart and strategically as well as hard is likely to pay off. Prep by establishing and keeping up a daily routine that supports your health to make your work sustainable over the longer term. Although this year supports your health, you could afford to lay down some deep and meaningful transformation in this area. Economize and streamline your systems, office, or workspace and be ready for the extra volume.

Virgo | Virgo rising

Free up more space in your dating schedule, if you aren't feeling loved up or if some creative passions aren't already flowing. This is your year of exploring and expanding your repertoire. Your interest in the creative arts is a serious one, and you appreciate the time it takes to master an artistic skill and/or get to know someone special. Jupiter moving into this sphere of your life will bring an urge to upgrade a talent or provide assistance so that someone else can benefit from the work you’ve already put in. If you’re a mother, this could translate as taking on extra responsibility to support your child's talent. Creative collaborations that have legs appeal to your earthy eye on practicality, so be open to how you can weave your fun into your professional fortune.

Libra | Libra rising

While some aspects of domestic bliss have been a little on the serious side, Jupiter moving into this zone suggests a literal take on "home truths" revealing themselves. Things will lighten up somewhat, and there is luck surrounding your household, family, or dealings in property. Learning from experiences and finding the larger meaning can make all the difference in not only going forward but in bringing you closer to those you share your hearth with. Exercise your authority and assert boundaries that make those under your wing feel safe, seen, and heard. You've got this. A side hustle or maybe more? Working from home is favored if you take a pragmatic approach to it, travel step by step yet open to growth.

Scorpio | Scorpio rising

The abundance principle changes lanes from your finance sector to your local environment on Monday. Changing your mind is easier now, so consider indulging an interest in therapies that involve changing your mind-set—or you may be drawn to some sessions with a professional. At any rate, there is luck for you in opening and expanding your mind. There is a vast array out there, and the stars suggest you sample a few before locking into any single one. You may find yourself traveling more locally rather than internationally as short trips are favored, especially for duty or work. The same principle suggests you’ll find meaning in the everyday. When you go for a walk or interact locally, be open to synchronicity and meaning behind your experiences.

Sagittarius | Sagittarius rising

Finances are set to reinvigorate as your ruling planet Jupiter changes lanes from your sign, which means it’s bringing its good fortune to your money zone. Ongoing changes you’ve been establishing in how you earn money, as well as deeper concerns like your assets, are set for improvement. Jupiter in the sign after yours is often a reality check. If you’ve had a year of yes, it’s time to deliver as the dust settles. There's an illusory nature or confusion between the direction you want to head in and your home base. If nothing else, traction is important to maintaining momentum—it’s time to focus so your efforts aren’t lost over too many interests.

Capricorn | Capricorn rising

As the lucky planet brings its joie de vivre to your hardworking sign, your outlook is bolstered and will stay that way for an entire year. Be careful not to take on too much responsibility, however—the general traits of your sign will be in favor, so you're more likely to be rewarded. Your outlook is set to expansion and growth, so make the most of this advantageous once-in-12-years visit to your sign. If you’ve been harboring an ambitious vision, or you’re developing a new one, take some action steps to get it to the next stage. A clear plan and objectives will go a long way. Back yourself with faith in your abilities and your desire to step up and deliver from a truly authentic place.

Aquarius | Aquarius rising

Your interest in the subtle or hidden dimensions of life takes a booster shot when Jupiter takes up residence in your zen zone as of Monday. The expansion factor means you’re officially inspired to take up inner exploration. So get your psychonaut on with meditation, mindfulness, and trying out different systems that take you beyond your everyday grind and, more important, out of your head. Take the time you need to set aside screens because it externalizes your attention. There are so many ways available to track into your internal space and a lot of info online to get you started. If you can get out into the quiet of nature to kick it off, even better. Retreats are also favored for you.

Pisces | Pisces rising

Your crew has been revamping, if not undergoing a complete change of the guard. You’re serious about your group dynamics and the power of the group—really serious. They'll transform you from the outside in when you act on your deepest passion for social change, whether that’s humanitarian, environmental, or compassion for furry nonhuman beasties that share our planet. The larger questions have been asked; now a deeper feeling of social responsibility kicks in as of Monday with Jupiter bringing high-vibe yet practical enthusiasm to this sector for the next year. It’s cool to be kind. Whether it’s small or large, you have a contribution you’re ready to share, so bring it.

Vanessa Montgomery—aka Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and author of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world.

Originally Appeared on Glamour