Your Horoscope for the Week of December 18

Your Horoscope for the Week of December 18katie buckleitner

Overview: Happy holidays! This week is a busy one. First, Jupiter re-enters Aries and Tuesday, where it stays until May 16, 2023, giving us the courage to start new things. The next day, Capricorn season begins on the winter solstice, helping us ground down. Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn is the perfect moment to tell the universe the kind of person you want to become.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


You’ll be brand new again, Aries! Jupiter reenters your sign on Tuesday and promises you a once-in-a-decade makeover if you’re even braver. Capricorn season begins on Wednesday and has you framing your career differently. Tell the universe all your best-case scenario intentions for your career under Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn.


It’s sabbatical time, Taurus! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled completion zone on Tuesday and has you thinking about taking some time away. Then Capricorn season begins on Wednesday and inspires you to explore education and travel. Tell the universe your intentions on that under Friday's New Moon in Capricorn because when you change your mind, you change your world.


Ready for the reunions, Gemini? Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled social sector on Tuesday and reconnects you with the friends and comrades you’ve missed. Capricorn season starts on Wednesday and inspires you to do some inner healing work. Commit to intentions on that under Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn which wants vision on releasing intimacy issues.


Boss up, Cancer! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled career zone on Tuesday and gives you career vision, success, leadership, and opportunities for self-employment. Capricorn season begins on Wednesday and puts opposites-attract style chemistry in the air. Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on the kind of romance you want to receive and give.


Hey, jet-setter! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled expansion zone on Tuesday, motivating you to broaden your life through both travel and education. Capricorn season begins on Wednesday and inspires you to think about your wellbeing. Then you’ll want to tell the universe your intentions for health and personal development under Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn!


Dig deeper, Virgo! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled authenticity and sexuality zone on Tuesday, inspiring you to go deeper into important truths. Capricorn season begins on Friday and gives you the courage and confidence to take big risks. Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants you intentions for habits that ground you in humility, confidence, and inner strength.


Love is in the air, Libra! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled romance zone on Tuesday and gives you exciting romances, relational changes, and the love you deserve. Capricorn season begins on Wednesday and reframes your relationship to emotional safety. Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on the feelings, people, and places that mean home to you.


What does “wellbeing” mean to you, Scorpio? Jupiter enters your health, wellbeing, and routine zone on Tuesday, inspiring you to take small steps for big personal success. Capricorn season’s start on Wednesday motivates you to improve your speaking and listening skills. Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on how to strengthen your mindfulness and communication styles.


Be brave, Sagittarius! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled courage, creativity, and emotional exposure zone on Tuesday, helping you experience more authenticity. Capricorn season’s start on Wednesday inspires you to develop greater financial literacy and security. Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on embodiment, security, and financial possibilities.


It’s almost time, Capricorn! Your season begins on Wednesday and completes your sabbatical so you can reintroduce yourself as the new, improved version of yourself. But first, Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled home zone on Tuesday and inspires you to think about belonging differently. Tell the universe all your birthday wishes on Friday under the annual New Moon in your sign!


Show AND tell, Aquarius! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled communication zone on Tuesday, helping you express yourself more powerfully. Capricorn season’s start on Wednesday inspires you to take time for retreat, healing, and time away. Friday’s New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on all that you want to before your birthday!


Practice what you teach, Pisces! Jupiter enters your Aries-ruled security zone on Tuesday, giving you opportunities for financial freedom and security as you walk it like you talk it. Capricorn season’s start on Wednesday reconnects you to your friends and socializing! Then Friday's New Moon in Capricorn wants your intentions on improving your friendships and experiencing activism.

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