Your Horoscope for the Week of December 16, 2019

Congratulations, you’ve made it! Capricorn season brings this week to a close along with the midwinter solstice: the longest night of the year. The only way is up as the days begin to shine more light into the dark evening. Venus, the love principle, changes sign into Aquarius, encouraging appreciation of people from all walks of life. Keep an open heart, and respect differences at the doorway to the holiday season. Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of December 16 through to December 22, 2019, and double down by getting to know your rising sign.

Aries | Aries rising

As the sun lights up your career zone over the next month, this is the perfect time to place yourself in a position of recognition. Make it easy for others to know what you do, what you’re about and what you wish to do. You are shining in your public image, so if your business is you, promote. Are your message and branding clear across all channels? If not, align it with easy-to-understand formatting. Less personal shots of your holiday season carousing, more professional shots letting us know what you do! But it’s not all work for you, Aries; just in time for the weekend, Venus, the planet of connections, ensures you’re ready to say yes to all the party invites coming your way. Joy is in meeting people from all walks of life, so consider options you wouldn’t normally.

Taurus | Taurus rising

The depth and intensity of the last few months begin to lighten up this week as the sun moves into your travel and philosophy zone. While clouds of intrigue haven’t quite cleared up (which is great because they’re roiling in your zone of sex!), take any truths you’ve discovered and turn them around in your mind, talk them out, and get a debate going. This will help integrate ideas and concepts into your world view and belief system that can not only help you navigate but inadvertently teach others. You may decide to consciously use them for content! Traveling will hold extra allure for you, or even studying—either plan something big, well in advance, and make it super practical, or consider a course to feed your mind over the holiday season. Or perhaps it’s time to commit to studying for that official certification?

Gemini | Gemini rising

It will become clear which of the relationships you’ve formed or developed over the last year or so are going to stick. Some will begin to bear fruit, so stay open to proposals, including resources and opportunities. They may share their resources which can be networks, funding, or even the deep insight that comes through an impactful relationship. The sun moves into your zone of sex this weekend, just in time for the holiday season. Although you prefer things breezy, there’s a certain intensity to your month ahead; hunker down with your lover to let those feels sink in. If you’re dating, it’s those magnetic types and revealing conversations that will reel you in. This is also the zone of esoterica, so note premonitions and intuition, or even consult a recommended professional reader to satiate your curiosity. Yours is the sign of communication, and it’s worth remembering that information arrives in a myriad of forms!

Cancer | Cancer rising

Your relationship sector is lit as the sun illuminates your one-on-ones. Do spend quality time with your significant other as well as besties. Go tandem as a dynamic duo, because your relationship can benefit from interacting with others as a couple. The commitment, loyalty, and maturity you exhibit as friends or lovers set an inspirational tone to others, models how it’s done, and enhances your union in return. Balance by allowing space for your separate interests and friendships, or even try experiencing your partner’s or best friend’s interests and groups. Like “a day in the life of.” While it’s important to present a united front, it’s just as important to balance it by allowing in the fresh air that your activities bring to your spark. It keeps things fresh, and you being you is what attracted you to each other in the first place.

Leo | Leo rising

Leo, if all’s gone well, you’ve been super creative, expressed yourself, and perhaps even enjoyed some romance in the process. While thankfully that’s set to continue, there’s extra emphasis on taking it into your daily routine and applying your creativity at work. The sun lights up this zone over the next month, so expect to shine here and gain some recognition, if not applause, for your contribution. Make sure what you’re doing on the daily is in alignment with the high ideals you hold for your career and image. Get clear on any changes or new directions in your mission statement, and reverse engineer so you’re heading in the right direction. This month highlights where and what you need to focus on for routines that support your health over the long haul. While this season is associated with binging of all types, especially food, alcohol, and late nights, moderation will benefit you more than most.

Virgo | Virgo rising

Romance gets the uplift as the sun spotlights your love and fun zone just in time for the weekend. It’s time to get serious about frivolity and expressing yourself. If you’re paid for it as well, you’re a purposeful earth sign after all and like to receive reward for effort. As a bonus, love may find you while you’re sharing your brand of creativity. Venus moves into your work zone, further enhancing the love for what you do as well as potentially meeting a special connection through your job. Meeting a plus-one at your work wrap-up party, or someone else’s, could be electric but could also challenge you in some way. This goes for your partnership or close friendships as well. Expect a perspective change! Perhaps your partner’s beliefs are too idealistic or radical for you to accept. Keep an open mind and don’t force yours either.

Libra | Libra rising

It may be the festive season, but the sun moving into your home sector on the weekend will have you embracing the comfort and quiet of your nest. Although you tend to be a social creature, there’s been a focus on enjoying your brand of traditional values of home and hearth. Thursday to Saturday are perfect to either host, decorate, or simply enjoy the company of your favorite person, at home of course. Your ruling planet, Venus, moves into your romance zone on Friday, so get creative and make plans for some extra-special dates with your V.I.P. Mix up your usual list of off-duty activities. This season the emphasis is on trying new things, places, and flavors. If dating, expect some unusual people and original style choices to catch your eye. You’re a natural trendsetter, so why not carry that through to dating choices?!

Scorpio | Scorpio rising

For the next month, the sun lights up your zone of local connections as well as siblings. If you haven’t checked in, it may be time you did. New connections with people locally are suggested, so note who you resonate with that you’d usually dismiss. Studying for your profession or even writing formally are all on the cards. If you have the interest, do move forward with it. Your home and relationship sectors are clashing. The more you try to fit a relationship into a preconceived box, the more it’s going to be impossible to pin down. Let it be what it is, and you may find that suits your needs after all. We often miss the golden opportunities because we don’t see or appreciate the unique value in each connection. If it truly isn’t stable enough, this may be time to make the call.

Sagittarius | Sagittarius rising

Enjoy the last of the sun’s last days in your sign by indulging in fireside philosophies and end-of-year social excess. The sun’s move by week’s end spotlights your sphere of money and values, so you could find you end up working more. Or payments arrive in time for last-minute gifts you hadn’t gotten around to picking up. In any case, this can be a beneficial time for you if you focus your intention and energy on doing or supporting what is meaningful for you. Working in alignment with your top values is not only a sustainable practice, but a way to light others by your passion, which in turn amplifies abundance. Respect your time and energy by charging professionally, even if it’s your labor of love. Your communication zone is warming up, so get your thoughts together and rediscover your love of writing, preaching, and teaching.

Capricorn | Capricorn rising

Happy birthday, Capricorn! Enjoy the halo effect of Capricorn season as the sun lights up your sign from Sunday. People have extra time off to spend together, so round up your loved ones and use your excellent organizational skills to bring everyone together. The planet of love shifting into your zone of values and cash suggests you’ll be feeling appreciated, so build on success by homing in on some of the traits you love about yourself —take the time to give yourself credit for them. Celebrate you! Feel the positive energy expand in your body for a value-adding experience and a key to abundance. Although love is complex and multilayered, this is the section where love is an inside game.

Aquarius | Aquarius rising

This month you’re sporting the Venus effect as your sign hosts the planet of love and beauty. Relationships are extra, so don’t even think basic. Enjoy everything and more in the shade you adore as a prelude to your birthday season. Make the most of it by connecting with people that capture your intellect. This is the best time for any kind of update or even makeover to your look, as well as your outlook. Choose a key intention for this month and repeat. The sun moving into your zen zone calls for dedicated me time designed to gather your thoughts and integrate your experiences from the blast of the last few months. A fresh cycle starts once Aquarius season begins, so prep by letting go and charging your batteries as a must to keep yourself lit.

Pisces | Pisces rising

Thankfully it’s the holiday season, as this is a busy month for you, with invitations and general reasons for mixing continuing to call. Your social sector is lit like a stadium with the spotlight directly on you. Reach out to your people and connect with a larger group. Maintain an air of maturity and authority; you may be captaining in some regard. There’s a long-term focus on stepping into a professional role that’s underpinning this area of your life, so while balls are rolling, your efforts this month count. Venus heading into your zen zone suggests a little time spent quietly will go a long way. Get in touch with your passions, interests, and literally what you love, without the influence of others jamming your channels. You are a conduit to the collective, so trust your flow, Pisces.

Vanessa Montgomery—aka Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and author of Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic. Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world.

Originally Appeared on Glamour