Your Horoscope for the Week of April 8

Photo credit: Katie Buckleitner
Photo credit: Katie Buckleitner

From Cosmopolitan

Spiritual planet Jupiter begins its four-month retrograde in Sagittarius on Wednesday, inspiring the zodiac to reconnect with spirituality and faith. Saturday’s square between the Sun and Pluto could help us realize where we’re being too controlling and rigid. Sunday’s powerful trine forms between the Sun and Jupiter, giving us renewed optimism and hope!


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Happy birthday, Aries! Wednesday’s start to Jupiter retrograde motivates you to think deeply about the reasons behind the important decisions you make. Long gone are the days where impulsivity reigns supreme! Be flexible with yourself and others on Saturday, because Sunday clears the air of conflict and tension, leaving good vibes only.

Photo credit: .
Photo credit: .


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Go all the way, Taurus. When Jupiter retrogrades in your intimacy zone on Wednesday, you’ll be inspired to align with partners who have quality staying power. You’ll want to reveal your most tender side to them, too, so they can see your authenticity. Don’t sweat the small stuff on Saturday, because Sunday gives you divine help out of the blue where you need it.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Thought you were “over it,” Gemini? Jupiter retrogrades in your romance sector on Wednesday, helping you completely move on or renew relationships with past flames. You’ll think more mutually about friendships on Saturday-is there an equal give and take? Sunday reunites with you the highest quality friends and lovers.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

The doctor’s in, Cancer! On Wednesday Jupiter retrogrades in your health and wellness zone, inspiring you to be proactive about overdue health concerns. If you're struggling to balance work with romance, Saturday pushes you to show up for love and the joys of life rather than work. But Sunday inspires efficiency, letting you get a head start on the coming week.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Do you feel worthy, Leo? Jupiter retrogrades in your confidence and joy zone on Wednesday, helping you remember why you deserve all the happiness, love, and success coming your way. Balance the smaller details with the bigger vision on Saturday. Sunday sparks inspiration to make your dreams come true.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Home is where your heart is, Virgo. Jupiter retrogrades in your home and family sector on Wednesday, helping you renew relationships with loved ones and the places that feel familiar to you. Own your confidence-your yes and no-while you channel your power on Saturday. Sunday is tender, so be gentle with yourself and others if any emotions are triggered.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Only you can balance the verbal and nonverbal, Libra. Jupiter retrogrades in your communication zone on Wednesday, helping you understand both the spoken and the unspoken. You’re feeling the love this Saturday, so don't be afraid to be vulnerable with your partners-especially on Sunday, when your emotional awareness is more heightened than usual.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

What matters to you, Scorpio? Jupiter retrogrades in your income sector on Wednesday, helping you reconsider financial, material, and personal matters in a big way. Listen to your body on Saturday, because it's trying to tell you something-and then, on Sunday, make a big investment in your personal or physical development.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Need a breather, Sag? This Wednesday you’ll start to have it when Jupiter begins a retrograde in your sign, giving you the time to relax and reflect on how much your life’s changed. Open up about your story on Saturday with people who’ve earned the right to hear it-you’ll feel more confident and joyful on Sunday thanks to your honesty.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

What’s your heart telling you, Capricorn? Jupiter retrogrades in your spirituality zone on Wednesday, helping you get in touch with your more intuitive and divine side. Emotions could flare up on Saturday, so speak up so others can see where you’re at. On Sunday you’ll feel the positive effects of your vulnerabilities.


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

It’s reunion time, Aquarius! Jupiter retrogrades in your friendship and social sector on Wednesday, helping you reconnect with BFFs from the past. Trust your intuition on Saturday and, if you feel comfortable, speak up about it. Catch up with even more friends on Sunday by calling the ones you miss!


Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane
Photo credit: Getty | Esther Faciane

Progress report, Pisces! Jupiter retrogrades in your professional sector on Wednesday, helping you understand your happiness and competence level on the job thus far. On Saturday you're tasked to support a friend who needs your counsel, which could give you a breakthrough related to your work come Sunday. Try to see the connections!

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