Your horoscope for the week ahead, 31 October

Your horoscope for this week is here!katie buckleitner

Overview: A wise friend told me, “I’m in the story in between stories.” And so are we! It's Halloween week, Mars just turned retrograde, AND this is the week in-between eclipses; the story in between stories. So let’s be very deliberate about the time and space we need for reflection and review while we have relative calm, especially under Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction in disciplined Capricorn. Friday’s Moon-Neptune and Moon-Jupiter conjunctions in Pisces are the highlight of the week, offering us a soulful, romantic day that lasts into the weekend.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


Words can be windows or walls, Aries! Mars Retrograde is in your Gemini-ruled communication zone for the next two months, helping you use language for both protection and connection. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction wants you to show up for a friend. This weekend’s Moon aspects to Neptune and Jupiter offer healing, a sense of rest, and self-care.


Walk your talk, Taurus! Mars Retrograde in your Gemini-ruled safety zone is inspiring you to practice what you preach/teach for a stronger sense of integrity. Reevaluate your values and how to apply them. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction is an ambitious, productive one. This weekend’s Moon’s aspects to Neptune and Jupiter offer you a social, lively gathering with friends!


Who do you want to become, Gemini? Mars is retrograde in your sign for the next two months, offering you a rare opportunity to reevaluate your sense of identity and what decisions support the new version of you. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction inspires you to follow through on a curiosity. This weekend’s Moon aspects to Neptune and Jupiter offer you creative insight into a professional dilemma!


“Closure” is tricky, Cancer! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled completion zone for the next month, which motivates you to think about closure, endings, and release in a healing way. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction is a sexy one, asking you to get curious about your sexuality. This weekend’s Moon’s aspects to Jupiter and Neptune take you on an exciting adventure of some kind!


“Belonging” is a paradox, Leo! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled friendship zone for the next two months, and this inspires you to think about how standing alone can actually connect you to community because you’re staying true to yourself. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction is perfect for date night. This weekend’s Moon aspects to Neptune and Jupiter are sexy, passionate, and very intimate!


Stand in your power, Virgo! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled career zone for the next two months, helping you own your leadership, direction, and sense of professional power. Don’t forget to follow through on your routine under Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction! This weekend’s Moon aspects to Neptune and Jupiter puts opposites-attract chemistry in the air!


Ciao, Libra! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled travel and wisdom zone for the next two months, motivating you to travel to a bucket-list destination and/or return to school to learn what you’ve been curious about. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction inspires you to be very courageous. This weekend’s Moon aspects to Jupiter and Neptune are healing, so prioritise your needs!


Does intimacy start with the mind, Scorpio? Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled sexuality zone, motivating you to have a mental reframe around sex, intimacy, and pleasure. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction wants you define your context for emotional safety. This weekend’s Moon aspects to Neptune and Jupiter want you to disclose more of your vulnerabilities!


Conflict is inevitable, Sag! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled romance zone, inspiring you to see disagreement and conflict as a bridge to greater understanding. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction wants you to bring in more structure for empathy in communication. This weekend’s Moon’s aspects to Neptune and Jupiter help you reconnect with family!


It’s the little things, Capricorn! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled details zone for two months, helping you notice how the little things in communication - from asking more questions to reflective listening - are essential for success. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction inspires embodiment. This weekend’s Moon aspects to Neptune and Jupiter brings more curiosity and meaningful conversations.


Watch those habits, Aquarius! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled confidence sector, motivating you to stop any habit that complicates you from accessing your most grounded level of confidence. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction is an emotionally expressive one for you! This weekend’s Moon’s aspects to Neptune and Jupiter want you to treat yourself!


Name the feels, Pisces! Mars is retrograde in your Gemini-ruled emotional intelligence zone, motivating you to correctly identify and communicate what you’re feeling for greater wellbeing. Tuesday’s Moon-Saturn conjunction wants you take a day for self-care. This weekend’s Moon in Pisces conjunction to Neptune and Jupiter offers you a wonderful, enchanting time!

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