Horoscope: What’s in Store for You February 19 — February 25, 2024?

Before starting the week, it's a good idea to check your weekly horoscope. Since horoscopes predict future life events (big and small), you can have a sense of what lies ahead for you in the coming days. Here’s what’s happening for your zodiac sign this week, February 19 to February 25, 2024.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

From the 18th on, channel a surge of confident energy into money-making pursuits. Get clear on what you want to achieve, and you’ll be unstoppable! On the 22nd, speak from the heart and revel in joyful time with loved ones. (Click through for more on Aquarius.)

Your lucky days: February 18, 21, 22

Your lucky numbers: 1, 2, 6

PISCES (Feb. 19–Mar. 20)

The spotlight is on you as your self-assuredness soars from the 18th on. Celebrate this well-deserved time in the sun! From the 23rd on, pitch a proposal you care deeply about. You’ll articulate the details beautifully. (Click through for more on Pisces.)

Your lucky days: February 19, 20, 21

Your lucky numbers: 1, 5, 14

ARIES (Mar. 21–Apr. 19)

Prioritize self-care on the 18th to help increase productivity down the road. Around the 24th, reflect on health routines that are serving you well — and on those that you might do well to rework for even better results. (Click through for more on Aries.)

Your lucky days: February 18, 22, 23

Your lucky numbers: 6, 12, 15

TAURUS (Apr. 20–May 20)

You’ll make an impression on a higher-up or respected mentor on the 22nd. Your innovative approach earns applause! Around the 24th, hit pause on work and dive into a creatively fulfilling activity with friends or family. (Click through for more on Taurus.)

Your lucky days: February 19, 20, 24

Your lucky numbers: 2, 3, 5

GEMINI (May 21–June 20)

Take a leap of faith to broaden your horizons on the 22nd. The first step: Tune in to and trust your heart! From the 23rd on, pinpoint a skill set you’d love to hone or brush up on. You’re prepared now to learn and grow. (Click through for more on Gemini.)

Your lucky days: February 20, 21, 22

Your lucky numbers: 3, 5, 9

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

On the 19th, dive into a big-picture artistic undertaking. Your vision will lead you across the finish line! Around the 24th, you’re pulled in more directions than you’d like. Tackle the necessary to-do’s, then recharge. You’ll soar! (Click through for more on Cancer.)

Your lucky days: February 19, 20, 24

Your lucky numbers: 2, 9, 18

LEO (July 23–Aug. 22)

From the 18th on, more deep, meaningful, emotional conversations with loved ones boost mutual understanding. Around the 24th, you’ll be wrapping up a moneymaking endeavor and setting your sights on the next frontier! (Click through for more on Leo.)

Your lucky days: February 20, 22, 23

Your lucky numbers: 1, 2, 8

VIRGO (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

From the 23rd on, pair up with a friend or loved one to research and map out a game plan to hit a shared goal. Around the 24th, setting aside time to tend to your emotional well-being benefits your heart and spirit. (Click through for more on Virgo.)

Your lucky days: February 18, 22, 23

Your lucky numbers: 2, 7, 16

LIBRA (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

On the 22nd, dive into that thrilling new project or fun experience you’ve set your sights on. Bring loved ones along for the ride! Around the 24th, take a step back from your everyday hustle to tend to deep-rooted emotions. (Click through for more on Libra.)

Your lucky days: February 18, 20, 22

Your lucky numbers: 5, 12, 14

SCORPIO (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

From the 18th on, being more spontaneous and playful when bonding with loved ones boosts connections. On the 24th, you could be reaching the culmination of a team effort. Give yourself credit before moving forward. (Click through for more on Scorpio.)

Your lucky days: February 19, 22, 24

Your lucky numbers: 9, 11, 18

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Connect with friends and co-workers by learning something new from the 23rd on. Consider starting a book club or planning a trip. Around the 24th, stepping into a leadership role proves gratifying. Go for it! (Click here for more on Sagittarius.)

Your lucky days: February 21, 22, 23

Your lucky numbers: 3, 4, 10

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

Your social life gets livelier than usual from the 18th on. Get-togethers with friends benefit you mentally and emotionally. Around the 24th, tune in to your gut to pinpoint the next best step in a passion project. (Click through for more on Capricorn.)

Your lucky days: February 19, 23, 24

Your lucky numbers: 8, 9, 17

Happy Birthday! Year-ahead forecast for those born this week.

Pisces, prepare for a burst of creativity when, in early March, messenger Mercury and the sun take turns pairing up with dreamy Neptune in your sign, amplifying your confidence around sharing your most imaginative ideas. Tapping in to your intuition can lead you down a fulfilling path! In early April, romantic Venus connects with mystical Neptune in your sign, and escaping everyday life alongside loved ones sets the stage for heartwarming memories. And in late April, go-getter Mars joins up with spirituality-oriented Neptune in your sign, leaving you feeling romantic, sensitive and more in touch with your deepest emo- tions and motivations. This is the ideal moment to invest your time and energy into chasing your most whimsical dreams!

Pisces, learn more about your sign by reading the stories below:

Pisces Zodiac Sign Personality Traits and Characteristics

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility: Are They Compatible in Love and Friendship?

Pisces Women: What to Know About This Mystical Zodiac Sign

Click through for more on your astrological sign, what it means about you and who you’re compatible with.

This article originally appeared on our sister site, Woman's World.