Your Horoscope for May 2016

From Harper's BAZAAR


The New Moon on May 6 will uncover a pure gold mine of promising potential for your career. Developments made now will seem stellar, though with so many retrograde planets, be prepared for terms to change down the road. Change can be good as well-or else wait till May 26 for your sign-offs.


Your glory days are here. Let's call it the Taurean Renaissance this May – especially because half the solar system has slowed into retrograde. With a sturdy New Moon in Taurus and six planets singing in earth, enjoy massage, facials, host a gorgeous dinner party (May 5th is divine), and play in the magic of love.


Changes will occur this May at the deepest core of your being as a New Moon will seem to wake you up from a deep slumber of the last few years. As a result, you may finally start to make progress on a home / family discussion after May 10th when Jupiter goes direct. With so many retrograde planets, carve the time to do a bit of back-tracking on a personal level before pioneering new territory.


Social gatherings look absolutely luscious for you as Venus rides the coat tails of this New Moon. Whether it is a gala, networking event or dinner party – you seem to be perfectly positioned all month long to nurture an important relationship into being. An old contact may re-appear and there will seem to be more similarities than ever.


You may now be poised to take that big move to the top in your profession or perhaps you are now changing professions. As you may know, Mercury is retrograde so you will do best to wait until after May 26 for beginning a new role. However, these changes are looking bright for both income increase and working conditions.


With Jupiter finally going direct in Virgo, you will begin to feel the benefits of this glorious transit you have until September. What to expect with the golden trifecta in earth: Jupiter, New Moon in Taurus and Pluto? Support in media, publishing, broadcasting, and international contracts. Take a creative approach as you have the grand triangle of support behind you.


There appears to be a new financial opportunity emerging for you as your planetary ruler, Venus gets swept up by the New Moon. Be sure to use your scrutiny in reviewing these new contracts because what appears to be 'too good to be true' may be. However, with due diligence and negotiations, you will reach a clear agreement my months end.


Sometimes we need to do a bit of back-tracking in a relationship before glossing over things. Take time out for much needed conversation in a key relationship. Also it may well be that someone from the past wants to re-enter your life to tie up loose ends and find closure. You may well be clearing the way for a new love.


As lucky Jupiter will go direct in your career sector – business will pick up. A lot. That said you will likely need to restructure the contents of your day for a more rewarding and efficient work schedule. A Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 21 will help to clarify exactly what you can eliminate from your routine as you seem to be getting a lot more attention these days.


Your creativity will be on fire in May, though you will do best to resurrect a pet project from the past and breathe new life into it. Single? Love will be in the air and as well, with a retrograde Mercury, it seems that it may be time to reconnect with those you have lost touch with over the years. A total break-through will be imminent around the Full Moon of May 21


In the market for a new home or perhaps adding another room? Jupiter will support this New Moon, bringing financial support at last. After Jupiter turns direct on May 10, funding will be at your fingertips. Though still we do have Mercury and Mars retrograde so take things slow and wait until after May 26 if you can.


Inspired by a new technology and a brand new way to communicate with the world? What you are beginning now may take you very far in terms of reach, however there will be heavy re-negotiations with Mercury in your house of contractual agreements. Take things slow and stay open to new possibility. You will get a clearer picture in June when planets are direct.

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