Hoping to avoid a heated, awkward Thanksgiving gathering? Try an adult craft table

As fun as the holidays can be, they can also dredge up some unpleasant feelings, especially if you have a strained or otherwise distant relationship with your family. Maybe you dread having to make small talk with people you aren’t all that close with, or maybe you can’t avoid that one relative who feels the need to spew hateful or misinformed nonsense throughout the entire meal. It’s an awkward reality for plenty of us, making the holiday season downright uncomfortable.

One craft teacher shared her pro tip for diffusing some of that weird tension: a craft table, which brings attendees of all ages together and gives them something to do if they don’t want to sit at the dinner table and deal with people they don’t like that much.

“So, I don’t think enough people know that if you have a craft table at your Thanksgiving dinner, like, off to the side, the adults have just as much fun crafting as the kids do,” says craft teacher Michelle. “And what’s really cool is that people who struggle with Thanksgiving, they struggle with the talking and the family aspect, will often find themselves much more comfortable at these events if there is something to do, something to keep their hands busy. So if you’re hosting Thanksgiving this year, think about adding a craft table.”

People in the comments section of Michelle’s post loved the idea, with one calling it “genius,” and adding, “frankly every social gathering should have a craft table.” Others had similar ideas, adding, “Puzzle tables are also great for family holiday gatherings.” Another said: “Suggestion: DIY ornament painting station. It’s been a hit for me!” Yet another said: “One year, I jokingly purchased paper tablecloths with activities and coloring book prints on them. The adults had so much fun.” One person even joked: “My life requires a craft table.” (Relatable!)

Of course, if you are the one hosting, you might want to gently assign an adult to remain on clean-up duty when it’s all done since you’ll have enough on your plate as-is. Still, what better way to bring people together while giving them something fun to focus on? A win all the way around, we’d say.