Hooters Is Giving Away Free Wings If The Super Bowl Goes Into Overtime And Trolling Buffalo Wild Wings In The Process

Photo credit: Hooters - Facebook
Photo credit: Hooters - Facebook

From Delish

If you're trolling for Super Bowl deals, you've probably come across the Buffalo Wild Wings deal this year that promises free wings if the game goes into overtime. BUT another famous wing chain, Hooters, saw that offer and decided to up the ante by also offering free wings...right on the spot. It seems we have a chicken wing war on our hands, folks.

Let's break down BWW's deal quickly for you. If the Super Bowl goes into overtime, customers can get one free order of either boneless or traditional snack-sized wings on February 17, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. That's about two weeks after the game.

But, according to Hooters, that wasn't good enough. "Why the long waiting period and all the wing-related restrictions? We don’t get it either," they wrote in a press release.

So, Hooters made its own deal. If you’re at Hooters during the Super Bowl on February 2 and it goes into overtime, you’ll get six free wings. You can get any of Hooters styles of wings, in any of its 15 sauces or one of five dry rubs right away—as in, that night.

Of course, like any deal, there is a little bit of fine print. It's only valid if you're actually in one of the 200+ participating Hooters locations. It can't be combined with any other offer, and if you already ordered a plate of wings that night, it can't be used for them retroactively.

At this rate, the next chain to jump on the bandwagon is going to be paying us for eating wings if the Super Bowl goes into overtime...and I'm fine with that!

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