Hoosier Half Marathon, Hospice, Activate! all need volunteers. Can you help?

The City of Bloomington Volunteer Network provides information about volunteering locally. For a complete listing, visit BloomingtonVolunteerNetwork.org or call 812-349-3433. The inclusion of an organization in this list does not imply City endorsement or support of the organization’s activities or policies. Information and registration links for the following opportunities can be found online at BloomingtonVolunteerNetwork.org.

Volunteers for the Hoosier Half Marathon

Volunteers are needed before and during this year’s Hoosier Half Marathon race. Volunteers are needed for Early Packet pick up — April 12 from 3:30 to 7 p.m., Race Day packet pick up — April 13 from 6 to 8 a.m., Race Course Management — April 13 with two shifts running from 6 to 8 a.m. or 7:30 a.m. to noon, Start/Finish Line and Hospitality — April 13 from 7:30 a.m. to noon, Water Stops — April 13 from 7 to 11:30 a.m. Volunteers must register by April 11. Learn more and register today at https://tinyurl.com/half-marathon-volunteers. Contact Michelle Epple at mepple1@ivytech.edu for additional information or assistance.

Provide friendship, companionship to Hospice patients

Looking to make a difference in the life of someone in your community? Become an Elara Caring Hospice Volunteer! Volunteers enhance the lives of those receiving services by providing compassionate visits. If you have an interest in serving persons facing end-of-life issues and being a part of a fantastic hospice team, they want to hear from you. Please consider giving a little time each week to a hospice patient who would enjoy social visits. Read a book with them, help write a letter to a friend, share memories, listen. Individuals receiving hospice care appreciate the additional care and support of a volunteer. Sign up today at https://tinyurl.com/friendship-and-companionship. For questions or to learn more contact Evie Bankov at 463-245-2171 or Ebankov@elara.com.

Activate! volunteers needed

Are you a volunteer, a member of an organization that utilizes volunteers, a board member, a committee or a commission member? Would you like a chance to share your experiences, share your volunteer needs, spread the word about your organization or motivate others in the community to get involved? If so, consider volunteering to share your stories. Activate! is a partnership between WFHB and the City of Bloomington Volunteer Network, which presents first-person narratives from people working for positive change. Interested participants will pre-record interviews at the WFHB Community Radio Station, which will air at a later date during the end of the WFHB 5pm Monday Evening News. Currently interview slots are open on Tuesday and Thursdays at 6:15, 6:45 or 7:15 p.m. Interviews can take up to 30 minutes but are often shorter. Learn more and sign up today at visit https://tinyurl.com/wfhb-activate. Contact Michelle Moss at 812-349-3433 or getconnected@bloomington.in.gov for more information.

Community Wish List Spotlight

Pantry 279 Wish List

Pantry 279, the pantry with TLC, was conceived, built, stocked and run by the cadet Girl Scouts of Troop 69279. With the help of volunteers, the community and Trinity Lutheran Church in Ellettsville, Indiana, they currently feed upwards of 7,000 people a month, representing 34 counties (although mostly Monroe, Owen, and Greene), and the numbers continue to grow.

Donations: Donations can be made on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 3609 St. Rd. 46, Bloomington (in Smithpike Plaza between Urban Air and El Ranchero). Donation boxes are also located around the back if donations are made during off hours.

Contact: Cindy Chavez at 812-606-1524 or pantry279@yahoo.com

Featured Wishes: canned goods (desperately needed), all non-perishable food (items like soups, pasta, pasta sauce, canned meals, Spaghetti O's, etc. are great), mac and cheese single serving microwavable packets, kid-friendly single serving packs, processed deer meat, all perishable food (please bring during donation hours), baby diapers (newborn, 2, 4, 6, Pull ups 2/3T and 3/4T), baby formula (any kind), baby wipes, gently used clothing and household goods, new men's socks and more.

View Complete Wishlist: https://tinyurl.com/pantry-279-wish-list

You can find the year-round Community Wish List at bloomingtonvolunteernetwork.org/communitywishlist.

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Hoosier Half Marathon, Hospice, Activate! need Bloomington helpers