Has A Hook Up With A Friend Turned Into A Relationship? We NEED To Know What Happened

While it's absolutely true that people of the opposite sex can be friends, sometimes those friendships blossom into a romantic, long-term relationship.

Nicola Coughlan in period costume looks worried in a scene, standing by a doorway

So we need to know: "Did you and a partner turn from 'friends to lovers' after a hookup?"

For instance, maybe you and a friend have known each other for a very, very long time but never thought something would come of it until you were over at their house for a movie night, and well, things got steamy.

Two women outdoors; one woman with glasses hugs the other from behind while smiling. Both appear happy and are sharing a joyous moment
Nicolas Fuentes / Getty Images/500px Prime

Or perhaps you both were on a road trip heading to a friend's new home in a different state, and the car broke down in the middle of the night, which started an intimate conversation that led to an intimate interaction in the car.

Or finally, maybe you always felt some sexual tension between you and your friend but never acted on it because you valued the friendship even more. However, your friend said a random thing that felt like they might be interested in you too, which made you decide to shoot your shot — and you were right.

A man in a T-shirt and a woman in a bikini top and open shirt pose against a clear sky. The woman leans her head on the man's shoulder, both smiling
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

Also, after the hookup, what happened? Did you end up becoming official right away or was the hookup actually a "shock" to the both of you? Did you both end up getting married or staying in a long-term relationship?

If the above resonates with you, and if you feel comfortable doing so, share with us if you and a partner turned from 'friends to lovers' after a hookup in the Google form or comments below.