My Honest Review of Green Chef’s Meal Kit

Green Chef shrimp salad.
Credit: Kurt Suchman Credit: Kurt Suchman

You know that feeling when you cook a new recipe for the first time, and it comes out so well that your only thought is, “I’ll be making this a lot more often”? I love that feeling. Maybe it’s the holidays, or maybe it’s because I’ve been stressed about a move, but lately I’ve been missing that feeling. Instead, I’ve been in a cooking rut and didn’t know how to get out of it. But I tried Green Chef’s meal kit recently and it helped me break out of my routine with some delicious new meals that I’ll be keeping in my back pocket.

Green Chef Meal Kit (3 meals for 2 people per week)
Green Chef Meal Kit (3 meals for 2 people per week)

What’s So Great About Green Chef?

Green Chef is a meal kit delivery plan that uses mostly organic ingredients, helps to minimize food waste by donating surplus ingredients, and claims to offset 100% of its carbon emissions. In situations where organic ingredients aren’t available, the brand will note that through the food packaging labels.

Green Chef meal kit out of box.
Credit: Kurt Suchman Credit: Kurt Suchman

Another favorite was the pork loin seasoned with orange zest and paprika served with a lemon-caper sauce and sautéed cauliflower (I couldn’t find the exact recipe online, but it’s very close to this one!). The flavors were so fresh and inventive that they were unlike anything I’ve ever tried in a meal kit — and I’ve tested more than 10!

Green Chef beef tenderloin dinner.
Credit: Kurt Suchman Credit: Kurt Suchman

How Much Does Green Chef Cost?

Given the ingredients, you’d be correct in thinking that Green Chef’s prices run a bit higher than other meal kits. Meals start at around $11.99 per serving, which is a sizable difference from the $9.99 per serving price point of Hello Fresh and the $4.99 per serving costs of more budget-friendly kits like EveryPlate that I’ve tested. It’s not a surprise because organic ingredients are usually more expensive than standard, and Green Chef is still cheaper than other meal kit services.

Green Chef shrimp salad.
Credit: Kurt Suchman Credit: Kurt Suchman

Who Is Best Suited for Green Chef?

Because Green Chef is a little more expensive and the recipes are a bit more unconventional from other services, I wouldn’t recommend the service for families with picky eaters or folks who are feeding a crowd. But if you like adventurous flavors and want to try something new, Green Chef would be a great fit. For me and my partner, who both love to cook and needed some extra inspiration, Green Chef was a perfect choice.

Buy: Green Chef (3 meals for 2 people per week), $80.94