Homeowner shares free online tool to help you save money on energy bills: ‘I can’t wait to check this out’

Homeowner shares free online tool to help you save money on energy bills: ‘I can’t wait to check this out’

Energy efficiency in the home is a huge money-saver, and it’s also the biggest thing you can do to make your house eco-friendly.

However, many homeowners are intimidated by the multiple factors that go into energy efficiency and aren’t aware of the best options available to them.

If that’s you, one Instagrammer has uncovered a tool to simplify the process and walk you through your home upgrades.

The scoop

Alaina Wood (@itsthegarbagequeen) has popular Instagram and TikTok accounts devoted to environmentally friendly education, and this video reveals one of the most powerful weapons in her arsenal.

“Did you know there’s a free online tool where you can plan and budget for energy-saving home upgrades all in one place?” she asks.

The tool she’s talking about is the Home Energy Dashboard by Wildgrid Home, a woman-owned company dedicated to making it easy to go solar and electrify your home.

“Here’s how it works,” Wood explains. “First you add some information about your home like square footage, zip code, and household income. Then you can complete the different energy quests, which are fun and informative guides to help you understand how to improve a particular part of your home’s energy efficiency.”

According to Wood, the Home Energy Dashboard is set up to help users plan solar, heating and cooling, and insulation projects. Each topic includes educational videos and a questionnaire to help you choose a solution that fits your budget and circumstances. Wildgrid Home plans to continue adding more topics, too.

How it’s helping

Having all the various energy efficiency solutions in one place makes choosing the right ones a simpler and less confusing process. It helps homeowners save time and makes it easier to actually upgrade your home with money-saving features and appliances.

The site even lays out the discounts and rebates available to homeowners and can conveniently put users in touch with local contractors in many cases.

“I found out there’s around $20,000 in rebates and incentives available for my house,” Wood reveals.

Saving energy like this is also good for the planet. While non-polluting energy solutions like wind and solar have advanced in recent times, much of the electricity we use is still derived from sources like coal and oil that produce air pollution — and that pollution heats up the planet.

The less power we use and the less fuel we burn for heating, the cleaner the air stays and the more we can slow down the world’s rising temperature. Energy-efficient houses, like this passive home in Texas, are good for the whole world.

What everyone’s saying

Commenters were eager to find out what options were available to them.

“Oooh! I can’t wait to check this out. Thank you for sharing,” said one user.

“Thanks, @itsthegarbagequeen!!!” said another commenter.

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