Homeowner Shares Brilliant Tip for Laying Pattern in Penny Tiles

Installing tile on your bathroom walls or as a kitchen backsplash is a great way to make the space feel elevated. But traditional tile is pretty hard to work with versus its non-comparable peel-and-stick tile versions. Cutting tile can be a nightmare if you have never done it before, applying grout gets messy, and making sure everything aligns is so crucial before they set in the grout.

Perhaps one of the hardest things that comes with tiling in a space is adding a cute design pattern to your penny tiles, especially if you are using a pattern in a large area such as a bathroom floor or shower backsplash, it can get seriously confusing real fast. But one home DIYer- a professional in transforming her builder grade home- showed off a genius method for easily mapping out your penny tile pattern, even within a large space, making the process so much simpler, check it out!

The genius woman behind this tile laying hack is Instagram user @meglorencreates. Her page is super popular with nearly 40 thousand followers and under just about 150 posts to her page. She is redoing her entire builder grade house, one room at a time with custom looks that are all DIYed, where she shares her process to her page.

To remedy the confusing process of laying down penny tile and creating a simple pattern throughout with differing colors the woman first lays all the same colored tiles, in the bulk of the color she is going to use. She marks the pattern tiles with an expo marker throughout the entire tiled space and removes them after they have all been marked. She fills in the empty spaces with the alternate color and gets to grouting!

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