How to Make Your Home Smell Exactly Like a Fancy Hotel

Champagne taste on a beer budget is our cross to bear in life. Which is why we’re always so delighted to stumble upon hacks for our high-end aspirations.

Our latest win? Lemon water stew—a glorious cheat for making our home smell like a five-star hotel spa.

Recently, while scouring the trusty Old Farmer’s Almanac, we discovered the trick, which first purifies, then perfumes the air with a bright, lemony au naturel aroma. Simply add water and a handful of sliced lemons to a pot and let the brew simmer on the stovetop for an hour or two. Then sit back as the steaming, potent vapors work their wonders at chasing out mustiness. (For even more citrusy freshness, the Almanac recommends adding a few drops of lemon juice to the dust bag when you vacuum, to further diffuse the aromas.)

While we won’t be ditching our Diptyque candle dreams anytime soon, it’s nice to know there’s a wonderfully effective 50-cent fix waiting in the fridge.

RELATED: How to Make Your Home Smell Amazing Without Candles