"Holy Crap It's Perfection!": These Are The American Foods That Non-Americans Absolutely Love

When it comes to non-Americans and American food...they don't love all of it. In fact, some non-Americans are more than a little confused about our food and how we eat it!

woman eating a donut with bacon on it with the text, the average american eats 100 pieces of bacon a year

But while some non-Americans aren't fans of our food, others are! So, I decided to ask the non-American members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the American foods they think are actually pretty damn good! Here's what they had to say:

Some entries were also taken from this Reddit thread.

1."I'm from the UK but have family in the USA. Nowhere does mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce like the USA. I've had them in many other countries including the UK where they've become more popular in recent years but they just don't compare."

Juanmonino / Getty Images

2."Curly fries 👌. I recently came across Carl’s Jr. for the first time in the Istanbul airport and the curly fries were just the best."

Lauripatterson / Getty Images

3."Key Lime pie! A friend, who's originally from Arizona, made one to introduce us Germans to American food. I nearly hogged the pie because I didn't want to share it, it was the best pie I've ever eaten, and I've had a lot of very good pies/cakes."



Jmichl / Getty Images

4."Cajun food. Definitely the most unique American food."


5."I’m Canadian so there’s a lot of crossover with foods, but one thing Americans do better is iced tea. Homemade and unsweetened. It’s great."

Glasshouse Images / Getty Images

6."As a Nigerian, one would expect my favorite food to be, idk, jollof rice or swallow. But no. It's American fries. I absolutely LOVE them. They're my all time favorite food. I can't get any burger or chicken without fries, and I can eat as many of them as possible."

Mike Kemp / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

7."American here, but I recently asked an Italian exchange student what he would miss most about the states. Dead ass, he said 'chicken parm.' That's not an Italian thing. He said the first time he had it, he called his friend back home to tell her about, and she hung up on him."

Sbossert / Getty Images

8."I asked my non-American husband this question and fully expected him to say brisket or BBQ ribs. He straight up said Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I'm embarrassed. 😂"

Photokitchen / Getty Images/iStockphoto

9."I’m from China. Huge fan of the meatloaf."

Brian Hagiwara / Getty Images

10."Cornbread is delicious! Dessert is often the best part of the meal and having an excuse to eat it with your main course is really fun."


11."As a British person ranch dressing is AMAZING!! Brought two huge bottles back from our last trip to Florida!! Man! It’s one of the reasons we come back to the states!!!"

Roberto Machado Noa / Getty Images

12."As a Ukrainian in the USA, peach pie is my favorite!"

Boblin / Getty Images

13."I'm from Mexico and we get spoiled with our traditional cuisine but I found the Thanksgiving dinner experience in the US incredible. Love everything: the turkey, cranberry sauce, the stuffing (oh the stuffing), mashed potatoes, salads, and the delicious pies that follow for dessert. That whole combination plus the red wine and good company is an incredible experience that's hard to match."

Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

14."I’m a European dating an American. I’ve tried many things so far but S'MORES, MAN! Holy shit it’s perfection."


15."Lobster Rolls! I love them and can’t find any type of good substitute for here in Germany. I could CRUSH a lobster roll right now."


16."Southern fried chicken. I’ve lived in five different European countries — they all had fried chicken dishes but were greasy flavorless dishes compared to Southern fried chicken."

Witthaya Prasongsin / Getty Images

17."Given the level of Mexican food in Europe generally, Tex Mex is amazing compared to what we get over here."


18."Root beer. In the UK it's either imported or expensive brands, yet you guys get it as a generic flavor, not fair!"

Bhofack2 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

19."I think the US does great things with Brussels sprouts!"

Urbanmoon / Getty Images

20."As a European who moved to the States: Smoked brisket. Wow! I tried this in some small Texas town and that place deserves a Michelin star!"

Joel Villanueva / Getty Images

21."Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. At first I thought it was a disgusting combo, but when I tried it I loved it."

Mvp64 / Getty Images

22."I hate to sound like an ignorant foreigner but a made from scratch mac and cheese with at least three different cheeses plus a crispy breadcrumb crust on top is one of my favorite American dishes."

Thecrimsonmonkey / Getty Images

23."I have relatives in Carolina — I'm from the UK — and the first time I had vinegar based BBQ I nearly cried...that stuff for me can't be beat. I'd be fucking huge if I moved to the states. 😂"

Photo By Cathy Scola / Getty Images

24."I may be a simpleton, but an average diner with bottomless filter coffee, pancakes, bacon, and syrup was my favorite part of the day. Although I did put on about 10–15 kg after a month in Texas."


25."I'm from the UK and love corn dogs. Also, barbecued meats and soft pretzels."

Takanori Ogawa / Getty Images

26."I love all beef hot dogs and especially foot long ones. They're hard to find at restaurants, but God, they're SO GOOD."

Lauripatterson / Getty Images

27."Chicago pizza. On a business trip to Chicago, we all went out to a pizza place. Everyone was ordering large pizzas to share in groups of four. I thought they were nuts, so I ordered one just for myself. You're damn right I tried to finish it. You're damn right I failed. You're damn right it was the nicest thing I've ever eaten."

Lauripatterson / Getty Images

28."Holy crap what I really appreciate are PIZZA ROLLS. God bless the Americans for pizza rolls."

Are Visual (andrew R Emery) / Getty Images/iStockphoto

29."Spaniard who lived in the States for six years: I liked apple pie, pastrami on rye sandwiches, Tex Mex, all the things you do with sweet potatoes, virtually any item at a Waffle House, bagels, Reuben sandwiches, chicken and waffles, cheesecake, s'mores, chocolate chip cookies."

Dianne Avery Photography / Getty Images

30."Are Buffalo wings American? Because that's modern day Ambrosia."

Zana Munteanu / Getty Images/500px

31."New York City-style Chinese food!!!"

plate of dumplings


Osakawayne Studios / Getty Images

32."Biscuits And gravy. Nothing even comes close. A good buttermilk biscuit with a proper sausage gravy is heaven on earth. Because by the end, your heart stops beating anyway."


33."American cheesecake. That shit is glorious. Rarely do restaurants get it right here but when they have that authentic graham cracker crust, it's the most delicious dessert I've had."

Robert Lowdon / Getty Images

34."Cheeseburgers and all the things you put cheddar in."

Burcu Atalay Tankut / Getty Images

35."Pecan pie and clam chowder."

pecan pie with a slice missing
Brett Stevens / Getty Images/Image Source

Non-Americans, are there other American foods or parts of American food culture that you like? If so, let us know in the comments!