Holiday horrors: Share your worst experience of a cancelled flight

As many as 50,000 passengers have been affected by the strikes - This content is subject to copyright.
As many as 50,000 passengers have been affected by the strikes - This content is subject to copyright.

It’s perhaps one of the most disheartening feelings in the world when you’ve spent your hard earned cash, done your holiday shopping and told everyone and their dog that you’re off to spend a holiday in the sun, to then be told that lift-off isn’t quite ready to happen.

This week it was announced that strike action by pilots across Europe is expected to cause maximum disruption to summer getaways, with around 250 Ryanair flights cancelled.

Ryanair pilot protests - Credit: Reuters
Belgian pilots of Ryanair take part in a protest during a wider European strike at the airline Credit: Reuters

It might not be due to strike action but we’ve all been there: hearing the announcement over the tannoy that the airline is “sorry to announce” that your flight to Greece has been delayed by two hours for it then to be delayed for a further two - or worse - cancelled and somehow there are no rooms left at the airport hotel and the next flight out isn’t for another three days.

Have you got a story worth sharing about a delayed or cancelled flight? We want to hear our readers’ worst cancelled flight experiences - what went wrong, how long you were delayed and how (if at all) it was rectified. Share your story in the comment section below and the best stories will be published online later today.

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