The Hobby Lobby Challenge Is the Latest Viral Photo Trend to Sweep the Internet — and Local Craft Stores


If you're headed to Hobby Lobby this week (those Valentines aren't going bedazzle themselves), be sure to pencil in some extra time to sidestep models and photographers trying to get that perfect shot in the floral aisle. The "Hobby Lobby Challenge" is the latest photo viral trend to take the Internet — and your local craft emporium — by storm.

According to Mashable, Twitter user Kelsey Maggart kicked off the trend of posing with Hobby Lobby's fake flowers as part of another photo trend, the "Ugly Location Challenge," last month, prompting a slew of social media users to head directly to the craft store to stage photo shoots of their own. Photographers jumping on the challenge aren't just posting the finished photos of their models lounging among the flowers, but some of the hard work it took to make those floral arrangements appear to be bathed in warm sunlight instead of the blinking fluorescents that were also illuminating the scrapbooking supplies in the next aisle. Of course it makes sense that Hobby Lobby is chock full of perfect props for the perfect shot. But it's also one of the best large-scale examples of illuminating the difference between what shows up on you Insta feed and the reality of the moment the photo was taken — the model you see as a goddess of the garden is actually two feet away from some sad tan walls and yellow price stickers.

By the way, you might be familiar with Hobby Lobby because of their 2012 case against the Affordable Care Act, when they argued they shouldn't be required to provide health insurance that would give their employees coverage on IUDs and emergency contraception if using them went against their faith. They won their case to deny coverage, and in 2014 the Supreme Court ruled in their favor.

But like all solid memes, the Hobby Lobby Challenge is already getting some amusing variations, including a Dollar Tree Challenge (complete with Valentine's Day motif), and versions at other crafty locales including Michael's and Jo-Ann Fabrics seem totally feasible. So go find yourself some silk flowers and prepare to get 'gramming, craft enthusiasts. And check out a few of the best photos from the trend below for inspiration.

Related: This Woman Low-Key Took Down $200,000 of Sculptures by Taking a Selfie

See the videos.