Hit the Wall

Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team
Photo credit: Media Platforms Design Team

I swung off the cobbles of Cresson Street and rose out of my saddle to meet the incline of Levering Street—which along with Lyceum Avenue forms a half-mile ascent that's well known to cyclists as the Manayunk Wall. It was a misty, springlike morning in Philadelphia. The sidewalks were empty. As I did my best to spin up the iconic climb, I tried to imagine what the scene would be like in June—with the barriers, the crowds five-deep, the roar of motorcycles and wail of police sirens.

Though I had never ridden Levering, I had climbed it before. I first saw this event in 1994, when it was called CoreStates and the USPRO championship, and I've returned many times since. This is where I first saw Lance Armstrong, flanked by Motorola teammates as he blasted up the Wall. I watched from a press vehicle on Kelly Drive as Jens Voigt took a 10-minute pull at the front of the peloton to reel in the day's big break for CSC, casting solid domestic pros off the back. I saw a young Chris Horner indulge the throngs on Lemon Hill with a late attack that was as thrilling as it was futile. I've spent humid afternoons on Lyceum, nursing a Yuengling under a homemade misting contraption, cheering away my voice.

But I didn't know something was missing from this experience until I pointed my bike up the Wall—and realized how much I wanted to be an active participant. And that, I'm pleased to report, will come to pass this June with the inauguration of the Bicycling Open. On Sunday, June 3, just hours before the pros tackle what's now known as the TD Bank Philadelphia International Championship (and the Liberty Classic for the women), enthusiasts like me—and you—will get a chance to ride as many as three laps. It'll be a mass-start event, on a closed course, with professional timing for the full distance and for the Wall on each lap. It will be a great ride, whether you're looking to hammer the entire 43-mile distance and see if you can hang at the front, you're out to test yourself on the fabled Manayunk Wall, or you simply want to enjoy a scenic two-wheeled parade through the City of Brotherly Love. (I think that summarizes my plan for laps one, two, and three, respectively.)

Events like this are the lifeblood of our sport. Riding can be a wonderfully solitary experience, but at its best cycling connects you with something larger—the chance to challenge yourself while sharing good times with a vibrant community.

So make the trip to Philly, bring your friends or family, ride the Bicycling Open, and stick around to watch some top-notch racing. Then cap it off right with a water ice and a cheesesteak. To sharpen your appetite for all of it, visit bicycling-open.com, where you can register, sign up for a training plan, and preview the course profile.

As someone who has previewed the course the old-fashioned way, I can assure you it's worth the trip. There are tons of hills where I live that are longer and steeper than the Wall—you don't need a pro engine (or a compact chainring) to climb it. But there are very few hills in America with more tradition, and the grade is burly enough to make the third trip up a lifetime memory. Especially with the throaty crowd, which by that time will be gathered in anticipation of the pro race, cheering you on.

As I neared the top, out of the saddle and breathing hard, the pitch relented and I could see where Lyceum tops out. I thought about sprinting the last 100 meters of false flat—call it the Strava Effect—but then I saw a guy walking a cocker spaniel and another waiting for a bus. So I just soft-pedaled until I passed the spot where the KOM banner will hang. But come June, it'll be a different story.

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