Historic Single Chair Returns Home At Legendary Colorado Ski Area

An important piece of ski history has returned to its rightful home.

Earlier this week, Arapahoe Basin Ski Area, Colorado, shared that it obtained one of its original chairs from 1947.

Arapahoe Basin was founded in 1946, so the single chair played a significant role in the resort's early history, ferrying skiers from 1947 to 1960.

Then, the single chair went on a journey, spending time at Fun Valley, Colorado (a now-defunct resort), in the 60s and 70s before, according to A-Basin, "bouncing around a bit."

The single chair has officially been installed as a piece of memorabilia in Marnie's bar at A-Basin's base, serving as a reminder of the resort's humble beginnings.

In a world of high speed six packs, single chairs conjure a different, slower era of skiing. Few of these chairs remain in service, the most notable of which is Mad River Glen, Vermont's single chair. This chair has provided singular access to the resort's upper reaches since 1948. When Mad River Glen had the option to replace it with a newer two-seater in 2007, it declined, choosing the costlier option of refurbishing the aged chair.

Realistically, few modern resorts can continue utilizing single chairs, lest the crowds of mega-pass holders spiral out of control. High-speed detachable six-packs exist for a reason. But I think A-Basin's approach—bringing a single chair home and hanging it from the rafters of the local watering hole—is the next best way to honor what once was.

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