Hilary Duff's Hair Is Green Now — But Not on Purpose

After ditching her Technicolor 2020 quarantine hair for a more familiar shade of blonde, Hilary Duff accidentally went wild again after a mishap with a hair mask. According to Bustle, Duff posted a series of now-expired Instagram Stories chronicling the case of mistaken identity. She thought she was using purple conditioner, but instead, she reached for an as-yet-unidentified mask that managed to turn her blonde into a subtle green.

"So, I just took a bath," Duff said. "And I put a conditioner on my hair that I thought was for taking the brassiness out. Turns out, it was leftover from when my hair was green. And now I've turned my hair green. Again. On accident."

She didn't seem that upset, however. She went on to say that her hair wasn't exactly in the best shape anyway, since she's been spending time in the pool.

"It took about seven minutes of this hair mask sitting on my hair," she added. "I mean, [my hair] was not perfect. Let's be honest. I swim every day with my kids. But now, it's truly green."

Hilary Duff IG Story
Hilary Duff IG Story


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Duff has gone intentionally green before. Throughout 2020 and even before, she embraced bold, bright hair colors like aquamarine and gray-blue and documented the changes on her feed. The only difference this time around is that Duff didn't expect the big change.