Hilarious Highlights From Skiing's Wildest Party On Water

The pond skim is an iconic facet of the spring skiing experience. The premise of these events is simple: skiers, surrounded by an excitable crowd, attempt to cross a usually man-made pond on alpine skis. Hilarious mishaps predictably ensue.

Cushing Crossing, held year after year at Palisades Tahoe, California, may be the one pond skim to rule them all. Check out this event recap from OneTakeMedia; it's got everything from wince-inducing bails to glorious, pitch-perfect pond skims.

I'm generally lukewarm on the "man on the street" interview-focused style of YouTube journalism. Sometimes it works; other times, it's an internet personality harassing random people with unnecessarily pointed questions. Like almost everyone, I don't want a camera shoved in my face and my political views dissected while I'm just trying to get to the grocery store.

But I'd say OneTakeMedia did a great job with this one. While I'm unfamiliar with the rest of their content, I think the approach used in this video would work well at other ski events.

For context, many consider Cushing Crossing the first-ever pond skim event in skiing. The pond skim was named after Alex Cushing, the founder of Palisades Tahoe. While the legendary founder's no longer with us, his legacy lives on through many avenues in the skiing world, including the titular Cushing Crossing.

Palisades Tahoe is broken into two segments: the Palisades side and the Alpine side (previously a distinct resort known as Alpine Meadows). The Palisades side is now closed, but Alpine will remain open until July 4th, weather and conditions permitting.

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