Hikers' Typical Sunday Walk Turns Into a Precious Dog Rescue

We’re crying tears of joy!

It was a normal Sunday for TikTok user @chelmelloo. They were out on a typical Sunday afternoon hike. But they quickly realized it was time to ditch the hiking pole and jump into rescue mode after spotting a fur baby in the woods.

This couple found a stray dog out on the trail. And being the kind-hearted souls they are, they knew they couldn’t leave him there. It took them hours for them to gain the dog's trust, but they didn’t give up. You’ll need tissues for this happy story.

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Aww! This is one of the sweetest rescue stories we’ve ever heard. They so easily could’ve given up if the dog wasn’t trusting them. But they stayed for hours. They fed him, gave him water and even used their shoelace as a leash so he wouldn’t run away. Ugh, our hearts just skipped a beat!

“He let you carry him like you’ve done it 1,000 times,” said @okayyyguy. Right?! It’s like he knew he was finally safe and was getting the help he needed. @unicornscot82 added, “Oh, he’s magical. He’s been waiting for y’all.” We believe that with our whole hearts! They were in the right place at the right time because the world knew they both needed each other.

We can’t even imagine what this dog went through to end up all alone in the woods. “It amazes me how they trust again. Humans cannot do that. Dogs are gifts,” commented @livinlifefree. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, we don’t deserve dogs!

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