Hikers Scramble to Scale a Mountain Allowing Bighorn Sheep to Pass in Glacier National Park

One of Glacier National Park's staple animals is the Bighorn Sheep. These wildlife beauties are permanent residents in the Montana-located park and many of the 3 million yearly visitors are lucky enough to spot them wandering around.

Most people see the Bighorn Sheep while driving along Going-to-the-Sun Road, but that doesn't mean you can't see them on a trail. In fact, TikTok user @postcardsfromcarrie posted a video on Sunday, August 6 that shared how hikers had to scale a mountain to let these animals pass. It's truly unbelievable!

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Wow! This is both so scary and incredible at the same time. Bighorn Sheep are great climbers, but we had no idea just how quickly they can run. They can reach up to 30 miles per hour. In comparison, the fastest dog breed is a Greyhound and these dogs can reach up to 45 miles per hour. We're thankful these hikers knew to get out of the way.

This isn't the first time hikers had a very close to the wildlife that lives in Glacier National Park. Earlier this summer, a few hikers were sharing a trail with Mountain Goats. They kept a distance and made sure these goats knew they could pass. These close interactions with wildlife are almost unbelievable, but thank goodness for video capabilities on phones!

Both interactions should be a visitor's guideline as to how to act when you have encounters with wildlife. You should always keep your distance if possible. It is recommended to be at least 25 feet away from moose, elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, deer, and coyotes. As for bears and wolves, you need to be 100 feet away. These regulations are put in place for everyone's safety and to protect wildlife.

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