Highlights From The Lifetime Grand Prix At Sea Otter Classic

Last weekend, the Sea Otter Classic hosted the Lifetime Grand Prix Fuego XL, a 70-mile cross-country race.

Watch the extended highlights from the action below.

Marathon cross-country racing is a unique sport. Racers need to conserve energy which changes the tactical game present in a shorter XCO race.

As the racers reflected on in the highlights, the key to racing is breaking competitors’ spirits over the course of a substantially longer time spent in the saddle..

Eventual winners Keegan Swenson and Sofia Villafane did just that and rode off the front to solo victories in their respective classes.

Related: Endurance Cycling Power Couple Wins Sea Otter's Fuego XL Cross Country Race

The coverage from the Grand Prix was stellar. Watching the race play out with aerial shots drastically improved the fan experience.

One of the challenges that race disciplines held on longer courses like enduro, gravel, and marathon XC face is figuring out how to cover it in a way fans will want to watch.

The Grand Prix set out to solve this with aerial shots overlayed with commentary from the athletes themselves. It is great to see events adapting their coverage to make it more engaging for the viewer, especially in a challenging format to cover.

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