All the Highlights From the First October Cyclone Swell in Australia’s Recorded History

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According to the crew at Surfline, who produced this clip featuring all of the highlights from the recent run of waves on Australia's Gold Coast, this swell — though not all-time — was historically impressive, as it's the first October cyclone related swell in recorded history.

Yep, weather worldwide is getting weird.

Not that the surfers care. They were just happy to be getting tubed.

"What did you do last weekend?," asks Surfline in the description alongside the clip above. "We can tell you what the entire surfing population of Queensland did. They surfed. One grom we met surfed nine and a half hours, BOTH days. Mick Fanning surfed, Steph Gilmore surfed, Joel Parkinson surfed, the entire Snapper Rocks Boardriders open division surfed. Thousands of people surfed! And all thanks to a rogue combination of weather systems, including the first tropical cyclone — not just of the season, but of almost any October ever, since records began.

"After going category five over Vanuatu, ex-TC Lola showed up in Australian waters just in time to combine with a big cold gale from way down in the Southern Ocean. The resulting swell delivered two days of much-needed waves to some of the world’s finest sand point-breaks, and to many of the world’s happiest surfers. Come with us on a visit to an actual surfer’s paradise, right on the brink of summer."


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