This New High Tech Board Can Surf Without Any Waves

If you grow up in a place where the most exciting surf comes from the wake of a jet ski (any South Floridians here?), chances are your watersport of choice doesn’t involve a longboard.

But there’s a new board in town, and it promises to transform even the most smooth-as-glass surfaces into a surfer’s paradise.

The magic trick is an electric jet secured to the underside of the board, creating a hybrid of sorts between a surfboard and a jet ski. Powered with a handheld wireless control, the board propels forward on command, hitting speeds of up to 21 miles per hour.

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But this sport isn’t just for adrenaline seekers. Onean, the company behind the electric boards, offers two separate models—one a bit faster and sleeker, the other akin to a motorized standup paddleboard with a top speed of six miles per hour. And maybe the best part, for either board, is that there’s no need to practice the paddle-and-stand-up maneuver that’s notoriously difficult in traditional surfing; on the Onean boards, you can press ‘go’ just as you are.

If this sounds like your kind of sport, you can order an electric board right now for your beach, lake, or river adventures for a starting price of just over $5,300. It’ll run you quite a bit more than a traditional surfboard, but for the added benefits of ease and flexibility (i.e., never having to worry about tides and swells)? We’re totally on board.