Hidden Valley Ranch Is Taking Over Halloween With Costumes And ‘Treat’-Sized Ranch Packets To Give Out

Hidden Valley Ranch Is Taking Over Halloween With Costumes And ‘Treat’-Sized Ranch Packets To Give Out

Halloween is right around the corner and if you're not one of the people who has already found the perfect costume to throw on this year, Hidden Valley Ranch is giving you the chance to dress up as one of their iconic bottles. And no, I'm not joking either. The OG of ranch dressing is delivering some spookily delicious vibes this year with some new offerings from their Hidden Valley Ranch Shop and it's the perfect opportunity to show how much you really love the brand.

The costume, which is polyester-made and is one-size-fits-most adults, is exactly what you're picturing: a life-size replica of Hidden Valley Ranch bottle that you can steal the show with. Priced at just $40, the slip-on costume has everything you need to turn heads. Rather wear a costume that's perfect for you and your spouse? Don't worry, they've got that covered too. Providing the opportunity for you two to show that you're the perfect match, HV is also selling a pepperoni and mushroom Pizza Costume for just $35. Yeah!

That's not all they've got going for Halloween though. While some of us are already set on what we'll be wearing this trick-or-treat season, one thing we may still be trying to figure out is what type of snacky snacks we're handing out. And, if you're tired of the traditional candies, Hidden Valley is encouraging you to hand out a new type of treat: some of their ranch packets.

Available in a Jack-o'-lantern-themed bag, these unique treats just deliver the scary good time everyone was hoping for. Don't expect them to come cheap, however. Each 30-pack bag—which comes with half-ounce packets—is priced at $20. But honestly, for ranch lovers out there, that's nothing but mere chump change. You can get the Treat-Sized Ranch Packets as well as both costumes over at the Hidden Valley Ranch Shop now.

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