Hi, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Your Horoscope for the Week of June 25Hearst Owned
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Overview: Deep breath, we’re going for a swim in the emotion ocean! Messenger Mercury enters water sign Cancer on Monday and stays there until July 11, inspiring us to communicate our feelings more carefully. On Friday, blue giant Neptune turns retrograde in watery Pisces on Friday. This retrograde lasts until December 6, giving us time to commit more deeply to a spiritual practice that promotes mind, body, soul, and heart health.

Read your Sun/Rising horoscope:


Name it to frame it, Aries! Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and motivates you to communicate your emotions thoughtfully for wellbeing. It’s vulnerable but necessary! Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled closure zone on Friday and helps you think about how your spiritual practice provides you with the healing you deserve.


What’s the emotion within the experience, Taurus? Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and inspires you to focus on feelings embedded in experiences for deeper understanding. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled friendship zone on Friday and reunites you with the people you have shared history with so you can support each other empathetically.


How do you feel with money, Gemini? Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and helps you to think about how your emotions with finances can motivate you to generate more stability and success. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled career zone on Friday and wants you to review your career progress and align it with your gifts, spiritual ideas, and creative passions.


Happy birthday, Cancer! Mercury enters your sign on Monday and makes you the smoothest talker of them all. You’ll be using your words carefully and powerfully to define who you’re becoming. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled wisdom zone, inspiring you to identity key learnings and turn that awareness into helpful action that can change your life.


It's time to reflect, Leo. Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and inspires you to think about what you want to heal from in the past so it doesn’t have too much power over you in the present. It’s tough, life-affirming work and you can do it! Neptune turns retrograde on Friday in your Pisces-ruled intimacy and sexuality zone, turning up the heat for the next few months.


Call your girls, Virgo! Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and wants you to clock out after a career-focused season. Now, check in with your friends for greater life-work balance. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled romance zone on Friday, inspiring you to review patterns and even people from your past. That way, you can choose new behaviors in the present to guarantee new outcomes in the future.


Lead from your heart, Libra! Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and inspires you to let your feelings guide you to professional conversations and connections. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled habit zone on Friday and helps you take smaller steps towards seeing your goals accomplished for success.


Apply the learning, Scorpio! Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and wants you to turn the abstract into the actionable. Apply the wisdom you’ve acquired to a tough situation. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled confidence zone on Friday, empowering you to limit the habits and distractions that complicate your confidence.


Go even deeper, Sagittarius! Mercury enters Cancer on Monday, helping you take your relationships to more intimate places by slowly introducing more vulnerable conversation topics. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled belonging zone on Friday, helping you leverage creativity and spirituality to find connection to people and places.


Opposites attract, Capricorn? Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and has you learning new ideas and strategies from the most unlikely of people and relationships. Stay open, flexible, and occasionally assertive in your beliefs. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled communication zone on Friday, motivating you to practice mindfulness for clearer thinking and problem-solving.


Small goals only, Aquarius! Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and reminds you the power of taking small, slow steps gradually in order to achieve your big personal development goals. Neptune turns retrograde in your Pisces-ruled income zone on Friday, helping you leverage your intuition for greater financial wellbeing and security.


Reveal, don’t conceal, Pisces! Mercury enters Cancer on Monday and wants you to share substantial information about yourself in order to grow a connection. Approach the tough conversations; don’t avoid them. Neptune turns retrograde in your sign on Friday and helps you take a pause in order to process, integrate, and move forward towards integrity.

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