Hi, Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here

Your Horoscope for the Week of April 7Hearst Owned

Overview: Small steps every day can lead to big improvements! On Monday, the megawatt solar eclipse in Aries shows us where we want to initiate brave new beginnings. But not too fast, too soon! Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in closure-inducing Pisces wants us to move forward, but slowly. It asks us to surrender past patterns, behaviors, and habits that hold us back from becoming the new versions of ourselves. So, set expectations carefully around growth.

Read your Sun/Rising sign horoscope:


Happy birthday, Aries! If you’re looking for change, Monday’s solar eclipse in Aries is your opportunity. Ask yourself, “Who do I want to be and what do I want to do in order to have what I want to have?” Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces helps you heal from the past in the present. Release your tight grip on what’s no longer working for you.


Would a spiritual practice help, Taurus? Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled spirituality zone brings you closer to something that helps you embrace what’s ending and what needs to begin. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled friendship sector asks for firmer boundaries and accountability in your community as a means for closeness, not conflict.


You’re a leader, Gemini. Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled friendship zone initiates a new story within your community where you take the lead on a shared vision, project, and/or collaboration. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled career sector inspires discipline at work to help you achieve your goals and find more purpose and freedom.


You’re allowed to want more, Cancer. Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled career sector motivates you to take action on your professional dreams by normalizing your desires for more freedom and excitement. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled wisdom zone wants you to apply information you’ve hard-earned in ways that help you maintain perseverance.


It’s breakthrough time, Leo! Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled expansion zone gives you a thirst for learning and/or wanderlust, leading you to exciting new places and opportunities for growth. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled intimacy sector motivates you to deepen connections with mutual vulnerability and trust.


Imperfections are your gift, Virgo! Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled transformation sector reminds you that you don’t have to be perfect. You just need to tell the truth about your strengths and challenges. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled romance zone inspires you to turn toward conflict in ways that seek understanding, not just agreement.


Balance “me” and “we,” Libra! Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled romance zone focuses on your intentions for giving and receiving love while balancing your desires for connection and autonomy. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled wellbeing sector challenges your limiting beliefs around health, routines, and personal development.


Small goals only, Scorpio. Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled habit zone sets more realistic expectations around your growth by helping you commit to small goals. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled courage zone motivates you to bravely share your truths, feelings, hopes, and desires with those who genuinely need to know!


You’re worthy right now, Sag! Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled confidence sector liberates you from any strategy that deems you unworthy of love and belonging as you are. You don’t need to do or get anything! You’re worthy right now! Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled emotional intelligence zone challenges you to manage and move through tough emotions responsibly.


Happy homecoming, Capricorn. Monday’s solar eclipse in Aries brings you to a space of emotional safety (especially through self-acceptance) and gives you a rock-solid foundation for just about everything else. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled communication zone inspires you to have tough conversations, especially if you’re experiencing passive-aggressiveness or indirect communication.


What’re you thinking, Aquarius? Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled cognition zone focuses on your thinking, speaking, and listening skills. What can you celebrate as strength and what can you improve where you’re challenged there? Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your Pisces-ruled embodiment zone highlights how your body guides you toward what and who to approach versus avoid.


Live into your values, Pisces. Monday’s solar eclipse in your Aries-ruled integrity zone helps you identify and implement your values for greater safety and even opportunities for financial freedom. Wednesday’s Mars-Saturn conjunction in your sign is a bit tough; try taking 100% responsibility for anything you’re unhappy with, as this empowers you to change what’s keeping you stuck.

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